


  工作经历有用词汇 A Useful Glossary for Work Experience

  1.employment 经历

  experience 经历

  business experience 工作经历

  business background 工作经历

  employment history 工作经历

  employment record 工作经历

  employment experience 工作经历

  occupational history 工作经历

  work experience 工作经历

  work history 工作经历

  professional history 职业经历

  specific experience 具体经历

  2.position 职位

  job title 职位

  3.responsibilities 职责

  duties 职责

  4.second job 第二职业

  5.achievements 工作成就,业绩

  6.administer 管理

  7.assist 辅助

  8.adapted to 适应于

  9.accomplish 完成(任务等)

  10.appointed 被任命的

  11,adept in 善于

  12,analyze 分析

  13.authorized 委任的,核准的`

  14.behave 表现

  15.break the record 打破记录

  16.conduct 经营,处理

  17.nominated 被提名的,被任命的

  18.promote 推销(商品);创立(企业)等

  19.be promoted to 被提升为

  20.be proposed as 被提名为,被推荐为

  21.advanced worker 先进工

  22.working model 劳动模范

  23.excellent Party member 优秀党员

  excellent League member 优秀团员


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