

  藏 龙


  Interviewer: In my opinion, you’re doing quite well at your present job. Why do you want to leave? 我认为,你目前的工作很出色,为什么想换工作呢?

  Wu: Now I am with a comparatively small company, and chances for advancement are very limited in the long run. Besides I believe the law of nature for the stronger to eat the weaker. 现在我所在的公司规模相对较小,从长远看,发展空间很有限。另外,我相信弱肉强食的自然法则。


  1、Why do you want to leave?是在问跳槽的原因。以下原因可供参考:The job has nothing to do with my major. / 我的工作和我的专业不对口。My former company has been bankrupt. / 我原先那家公司已经破产了。I am looking for a more challenging job. / 我想找一份更具挑战性的工作。My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the…business. / 本人离职的原因是希望在行业有所发展。The salary of my present job is too low, so I decided to leave. / 我目前这份工作的薪水太低,所以我想离开。

  2、in the long run意思是“从长远来看”,也可以说in the long term,例如:It’ll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather. / 从长远来看,使用真皮还是合算的。这个短语的反义短语是in the short run / term(短期看来),例如:Cardboard’s cheaper than leather in the short run. / 就短期来看,硬纸板比皮革便宜。

  乌龙:I believe the law of nature for the stronger to eat the weaker. 我相信弱肉强食的自然法则。

  释 龙

  the stronger和the weaker均为“定冠词the+形容词”结构,表示一类人或物。将“弱肉强食的自然法则”说成the law of nature for the stronger to eat the weaker似乎人人都能明白,但实际上这种说法并不符合英语的表达习惯。

  降 龙


  英语中有the law of the jungle的说法。jungle是“丛林”的意思,the law of the jungle指丛林法则,即弱肉强食法则,强者生存原则。这个短语很形象、贴切,又不乏想象空间,深刻地把握了原文的内涵,而且还符合英语习惯。相比之下,the law of nature for the stronger to eat the weaker显得十分啰唆。那么“我相信弱肉强食的自然法则”在英语中地道的表达是:

  I believe the law of the jungle.




  藏 龙


  Wu: Lazy worm, wake up. You fell asleep in class again.懒虫,醒醒。你上课又睡着了。

  Friend: Study begins tomorrow.我从明天开始努力学习。

  Wu: Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows would there be? 明日复明日,明日何其多?

  乌1龙:Lazy worm, wake up. 懒虫,醒醒。

  释 龙

  懒虫原指懒惰的人。但是在现在的年轻人中,“懒虫”也可作为一种昵称,专指那些爱睡懒觉的人。英语中,worm指的是“细长而无骨无爪的虫子”,还有“可怜虫”的含义。如果worm得知自己被吴隆冠上了懒惰的帽子,会不会觉得委屈呢?哈哈,真是名副其实的可怜虫啊!来学习一下与worm相关的实用句子吧:The early bird catches the worm. / 早起的鸟儿有虫吃;He was a yellow gutless worm. / 他是胆小怯懦的可怜虫。

  降 龙

  吴隆想要表达的“懒虫”在英语中有固定的说法:lazybones(懒骨头),lazy dog或lazy person。还有很多与lazy相关的有趣说法,如lazy eye。 难道有“懒眼睛”这种说法?——才不是!lazy eye是“弱视”的意思。又如lazy Susan,以后取英语名可不要用Susan了,好好的Susan怎么就无缘无故被扣上了懒惰的帽子?原来,lazy Susan在英语中指餐桌上放食物便于取食的旋转圆盘,没想到吧。还有,lazy back指的是马车座靠背。千万不要理解错呀。


  Lazybones, wake up.

  乌2龙:Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows: would there be? 明日复明日,明日何其多?(10)

  释 龙






  这是一首劝勉人们珍惜时间的名诗。诗句要表达的含义是:如果天天等待明天,那么只会虚度光阴,一事无成。老师、父母、长辈总是用“明日复明日,明日何其多”这句话来敦促我们珍惜时间。相对于逝去的昨日、未知的明天来说,今天才是最重要的。因此要Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. / 今日事,今日毕。再来看看其他与tomorrow相关的习语:as if there were no tomorrow / 不顾一切地,好像机会永远不会再来似的;Tomorrow is another day. / 来日再说,明天还来得及(激励人所说的乐观话);Tomorrow comes never. / 切莫依赖明天。

  降 龙

  吴隆把这样富有人生哲理的诗句简单翻译成Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows would there be? 就失去了原句的内涵。而One today is worth two tomorrows / 一个今天胜似两个明天,却包含着同样的精髓。


  Time flies. / 时光易逝。Time is money. / 一寸光阴一寸金。Time and tide wait for no man. / 岁月不待人。Time past cannot be called back again. / 光阴一去不复返。No one can call back yesterday. / 昨日不复来。Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today. / 明天如有事,今天就去做。Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow./ 今朝有事今朝做,明朝可能阻碍多。


  Only today is worth two tomorrows.



  藏 龙


  Friend: That’s because I was a little nervous, you know. You are no better than me. Don’t you know that you speak English with a strong accent?你知道,那是因为我有点紧张。你的英语不比我强。你难道不知道自己说英语口音很重吗?

  Wu: Don’t laugh at those who have covered 100 steps when you have covered 50. In spite of my bad foundation, I am the clumsy bird starting flying early. I know I have average intelligence and my only means of making progress is diligence. I am not afraid of making mistakes. As long as I study hard, I’ll make it one day.别五十步笑百步了。虽然我基础不好,但是我笨鸟先飞。我知道我资质平平,只有勤奋学习才能取得进步。我也不怕犯错误。只要我努力,总有一天我会学好的。

  乌龙:Don’t laugh at those who have covered 100 steps when you have covered 50. 别五十步笑百步了。

  释 龙

  五十步和百步貌似简单,但是也不能直接译为50 steps和100 steps。“五十步笑百步”这个成语出自《孟子梁惠王上》,指的是战场上向后逃跑五十步的人嘲笑逃了一百步的人胆小怕死。逃了五十步的人只不过没有逃到一百步罢了,但同样也是临阵脱逃。


  降 龙

  吴隆对“五十步笑百步”的中文典故了如指掌,但却忽视了中西语言的差异。西方人在对日常生活的细致观察中也总结出了一个传神的表达,那就是:the pot calling the kettle black。

  家用厨具pot(锅)和kettle(烧水壶)都是经常被放在炉子上烧的,时间久了底部难免会变黑。既然锅和壶烧过后都会变黑,那锅就没有资格批评壶了。因此the pot calling the kettle black的内涵相当于我们所说的“五十步笑百步”。

  英语中与数字相关的有趣谚语不少,如:One for all, and all for one. / 我为人人,人人为我。Two heads are better than one. / 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。A stitch in time saves nine. / 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。


  Don’t be the pot calling the kettle black.


  1、笨鸟先飞(Clumsy birds start flying early)的故事大家都应该知道吧。 不过笨鸟不是真的stupid,而是clumsy(笨拙)。

  2、make it是很地道的说法,表示“达到预定目标,获得成功;及时抵达;(病痛等)好转”。例如:He finally made it as an actor. / 他最后成了一名成功的演员。Despite the heavy rain, she made it to the office. / 尽管雨很大,她还是及时到达了办公室。




  藏 龙


  Friend: You know I couldn’t get up so early. I surfed the Internet until midnight last night. I am always at my best at night but at my worst in the daytime. 你知道我早上起不来。昨天晚上上网玩到半夜了。我总是晚上精神,白天却无精打采。

  Wu: You night cat. Will you attend the class in the afternoon? The exam is coming up soon. Don’t always embrace Buddha’s feet in the hour of need. You bombed the test last time. You’d better ace it this time. 你这个夜猫子。今天下午的课你去不去?快要考试了,不要总是临时抱佛脚。上次你考砸了,这次得考好啊。

  乌1龙:You night cat. 你这个夜猫子。

  释 龙

  night cat是典型的中式英语。


  降 龙

  night(夜晚)+ cat(猫)≠夜猫子。在英语中,“夜猫子”指的并不是猫(cat),而是猫头鹰(owl)。众所周知,猫头鹰是“夜侠客”,昼伏夜出。有一些人的生活习惯很像猫头鹰。他们白天躺在家里睡觉,一到晚上就异常清醒活跃,一直到深夜都不睡觉,要么外出过夜生活,要么挑灯夜战加紧工作。 英语中用night owl来比喻经常熬夜的人,也就是我们所说的“夜猫子”。中西方对动物的观察和理解有很多相似之处,却又不完全相同。为了更好地沟通,请多学一些地道的英语表达吧。

  再来学习一下英语中与cat相关的谚语:Curiosity killed the cat. / 好奇心害死猫。It rains cats and dogs. / 雨下得很大。Care killed the cat. / 忧虑伤身。Let the cat out of the bag. / (无意中)泄露秘密。A cat has nine lives. / 猫有九条命;吉人天相。Cats hide their claws. / 知人知面不知心。The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. / 猫偷吃奶油的时候总是闭着眼睛;掩耳盗铃。

  还有一个与owl相关的表达:as wise as an owl / 非常聪明。


  You night owl.

  乌2龙:Don’t always embrace Buddha’s feet in the hour of need. 不要总是临时抱佛脚。

  释 龙



  降 龙

  吴隆想说“临时抱佛脚”,但是把这个短语直接翻译成英语,老外一定听糊涂了。西方很多人都信上帝,难道他们会说“临时抱上帝脚”?在英语中有个短语是the last minute,指的是“重大事情,之前的最后一分钟,最后一刻”,想象一下,到了最后一分钟才急忙应付事情,是不是与我们说的“临时抱佛脚”有异曲同工之妙呢?the last-minute person指的是那种任何事情都要拖到最后一分钟才去做的人。


  Don’t always be the last-minute person.

  Don’t always make efforts at the last minute.




  Alternative and related questions:


  Are you a team player?


  In what ways are you a team player?


  Do you prefer working on your own or as part of a team?


  How would you define teamwork?


  Can you tell me about a team you worked in and the role you played within that team?


  What do you think makes a perfect team?


  The meaning behind the question:


  Teamwork is essential in almost any work environment. Questioning your ability to work in a team is therefore one of an interviewer’s favourites. They’ll be looking for evidence of a number of core abilities:


  The ability to communicate effectively with others


  The ability to recognise and understand the viewpoints of others


  The ability to appreciate the contribution you are expected to make


  Your answer:


  This is a very important and very popular question which could be phrased in many different ways. As well as pre-preparing your answer to, “Are you a team player”, you should also draft answers to all the alternative questions I’ve listed above. There will be common ground between your answers but each will have a slightly different slant to it.


  You could answer the question in the context of your current job but you’d be better off approaching it from the angle of the job for which you are applying. They’re asking you in what ways you are a team player but you need to be asking yourself in what ways will they want you to be a team player. Are they looking for a leader? Are they looking for someone who brings out the best in others? Are they looking for the person who generates the ideas or the person who is a dab hand at putting new ideas into practice?


  Establish in your own mind what sort of a team player they want you to be and then deliver an answer which caters to that image.




  I certainly very much enjoy working with others; I’m outgoing, I enjoy the team spirit and I’m understanding of the needs of others. I’m good at helping the team to see the bigger picture – to see the wood from the trees – helping them to focus on what really matters rather than getting bogged down in irrelevant detail. I’m also good at helping the team to spot flaws in our approach – and potential problems and pitfalls. I believe I have strong communication skills and, while I don’t yet have experience in a leadership role, I do have a talent for liaising between different team members and resolving any disputes which may arise. Conflict between different team members is rarely very productive and is normally best avoided.




  When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, "So, do you have any questions?" That's your cue to show off your research with queries about the company's competitors, plans for growth, specific products,etc. But some questions can make you seem ill-prepared, overeager or disagreeable. Here are eight commonly asked bloopers.


  1. What, exactly, does your company do?


  Never pose questions that a library search could have answered.


  2. What does the job pay?


  Avoid money discussions until the interviewer makes you an offer.


  3. How many vacation and personal days do you allow?


  Makes you sound lazy--again, wait for the offer.


  4. How long will it take me to get promoted?


  Try a less pushy version: "Can you describe what my career advancement track might be like?"


  5. Is that your husband in the picture on your desk?


  Don't initiate a personal discussion.Stick to questions about her career path.


  6. What are you going to do about the poor performance of Product X?


  Reframe the question positively. "What plans do you have to build sales for Product X?"


  7. What's your company's track record on promoting women and minorities?


  A legitimate question, but interviewers may worry that you'll sue if you don't advance quickly. Instead, check out the company' s reputation through the industry grapevine.


  8. So, when do I start?


  A slightly obnoxious quip. Don't invite yourself into the job.




  His secretary is a yes-man.



  正 解:唯唯诺诺的人,对上级唯命是从的人

  句 意:他的秘书是个唯唯诺诺的应声虫。


  He is a white-haired boy of the General Manager.

  white-haired boy


  正 解:大红人,宠儿

  句 意:他是总经理的大红人。


  Dick is a nice guy. But he’s such a motormouth that people avoid talking to him.



  正 解:连珠炮般喋喋不休的人

  句 意:迪克人不错,但是他说起话来总是喋喋不休,大家都避免和他说话。


  I have to burn the midnight oil to catch up with the others.

  burn the midnight oil


  正 解:开夜车


  Sorry. It’s a slip of the tongue.

  a slip of the tongue


  正 解:口误


  I feel it in my bones.

  feel it in one’s bones


  正 解:预感到会有某事



  “乌”解:talents draining

  正 解:the brain drain

  句 意:The brain drain is a serious problem we are facing.




  “乌”解: The other mountain is higher than the one he’s standing on.

  正 解:The grass is greener on the other side.

  句 意:Almost all people think that the grass is greener on the other side.



  1. 大学毕业生“雷人求职经历”
  2. 小故事对“雷人”求职法说不!
  3. 对雷人求职法说不的职场故事
  4. 最雷人的面试:面试先过风水关
  5. 求职面试四大雷人误区 面试官谈招聘应届生经历
  6. 掌握自测法 告别考研英语词汇背了就忘的窘境