




  Kathy: As an experienced interviewer, could you tell me what kind of behavior the interviewer hates most?

  Sam: Rudeness. You are not expected to sit down before being invited, and you shouldn't throw yourself into the chair like you're loading heavy baggage.

  Kathy: And we should have good sitting posture.

  Sam: That's right. The ideal posture for women is to put their legs together and lean to one side. This is especially important in summer.

  Kathy: Where should I put my overcoat and briefcase after entering the office? It is air-conditioned all the year round.

  Sam: Put it beside you. Don't be pile your purses, briefcase and other belongings on the employer's desk. You've got long hair, don't touch it while talking to the interviewer. It gives people the feeling that you cannot concentrate on your work.

  Kathy: OK, I see.

  Sam: Also, if you are asked to sit beside the employer's desk, neither lean on it or look at the documents there.

  Kathy: I ought to respect other people's privacy , as most Westerners do.

  Sam: As the saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.


  凯西: 作为一个有经验的主试人,你能否告诉我主试人一般最讨厌什么样的行为吗?

  山姆: 粗鲁。对方在请你落座之前不宜坐下,落座时不宜像卸货一样重重坐在椅子上。

  凯西: 我们应当坐势优美。

  山姆: 是的,女性理想的坐势是双腿并拢,向一边倾斜。这一点在夏天尤为重要。

  凯西: 办公室一年四季都有空调,我进屋后把大衣及公文包放在哪里?

  山姆: 放在你的身边。不要将手袋、公文包及其他物品放在雇主的桌子上。你留着长发,和主试人说话时不要拨弄头发,它会给人一种不能专心工作的印象。

  凯西: 哦,我明白了。

  山姆: 另外,如果你被邀请坐在雇主的桌子旁边,既不要靠在桌上,也不要看桌上的.文件。

  凯西: 我应该像大多数西方人那样尊重他人的隐私。

  山姆: 就像俗语说的那样,“入乡随俗”。


  1.concentrate 专心于; 注意; 集中(注意力); 聚精会神

  例句:I concentrate on the lecture. 我专心听讲。



  Flora: Where did you study accounting?

  Lin Yu: I studied at Yanshan University.

  Flora: Did you intern anywhere?

  Lin Yu: Yes, I interned with an accounting firm during tax season.

  Flora: That must have been stressful.

  Lin Yu: Yes, but I learned a lot.

  Flora: I'll bet.

  Lin Yu: I learned about different tax laws and how they work.


  弗洛拉: 你在哪里学的会计?

  林玉: 我在燕山大学学习的。

  弗洛拉: 你曾经在哪里实习过吗?

  林玉: 是的,保水季节我曾在一家会计公司实习过。

  弗洛拉: 那压力一定很大。

  林玉: 是的,但是我学到了很多东西。

  弗洛拉: 这我相信。

  林玉: 我掌握了各种不同的税法及他们的运作情况。


  1. I graduated and obtained a diploma from Peking University with a major in accounting and statistics. 我毕业于北京大学,主修专业是会计与统计。

  2. I've been doing the accounting work on the computer. 我一直用电脑处理会计工作。

  3. I'm engaged in accounting. 我从事会计这一职业。

  4. Can you name some of the courses you completed in relation to accounting? 你可以说说你所修的与会计学有关的课程吗?

  5. Can you tell me something about balance sheet now? 你能否谈谈资产负债表的问题?

  2.privacy 私事, 隐私

  例句:Review our Privacy Statement. 检讨我们隐私声明。



  1. 职场英语之电邮礼仪
  2. 职场礼仪之谈吐礼仪
  3. 职场英语求职对话
  4. 职场礼仪之办公室礼仪的注意事项-职场礼仪
  5. 职场礼仪无性别之分不可不知的职场礼仪
  6. 职场礼仪之介绍顺序礼仪-职场礼仪