



  Passage A

  Different food helps your body in different ways. The five big food groups name the foods you need every day. You need six serving (饮食的一份) from the grain(五谷类) group every day. Pasta, rice and bread are made from grains. Grain food gives you energy. You need three to five servings of vegetables each day. Carrots, green beans and peas are vegetables. You also need some fruit each day. You can drink a glass of apple juice. Fruit and vegetables help your eyes and skin( 皮肤). You also need some milk every day. You also need serving from the meat group. Egg, fish and chicken are in this group. Try not to eat much fat or sweets. They may taste good, but they are not good for your health.

  Different food helps your body ______________.

  A. in the same way B. in different ways C. in a way D. in this way





  You need ____________ servings from the grain group every day.

  A. three B. five C. six D. four



  讲解:第一段第二行You need six serving (饮食的一份) from the grain(五谷类) group every day. 选C


  You need _____________servings of vegetables each day.

  A. three B. five C. two to four D. three to five



  讲解:You need three to five servings of vegetables each day. 选D


  Grain food _______________________

  A. helps your eyes and skin B. gives you energy. C. is not good. D. makes you fat.



  讲解:Grain food gives you energy.选B


  Which of the following sentences is not true?

  A.Pasta, rice and bread are made from grains.

  B.To eat more fat and sweets.

  C.Fruit and vegetables help your eyes and skins.

  D.You also need some milk every day.



  讲解:判断题。Pasta, rice and bread are made from grains. 原句,A正确Try not to eat much fat or sweets. They may taste good, but they are not good for your health. B错误

  Fruit and vegetables help your eyes and skin( 皮肤). C正确

  You also need some milk every day. D正确。故选B


  Passage B

  Everyone knows the small insects called mosquito. It is possible to find mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely cold or where it is very dry. During the summer, it is almost certain that you find many mosquitoes near swamps, ponds and lakes.

  Mosquitoes have an interesting life style. The female mosquito bites a person or animal in order to get some blood. She needs this blood before she can lay her eggs. Second, she flies to an area of water and deposits

  her eggs in the water. In a few days the eggs open, and the baby mosquitoes,called larvae, come out. In a short time, they will be mature and fly away.

  It is interesting to note that only the female will bite for blood. She has a special mouth which can go into an animal’s skin or a person’s skin. On the other hand, the male mosquito can only drink plant juices with his mouth.

  The author suggests that all mosquitoes like ______.

  A. blood B. wet areas C. cold weather D. dry climates



  讲解:It is possible to find mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely cold or where it is very dry. During the summer, it is almost certain that you find many mosquitoes near swamps, ponds and lakes.可知蚊子喜欢潮湿的环境。选B

  第7题:Larvae are ________.

  A.baby mosquitoes B. mosquito eggs C. animal skin D. male mosquitoes



  讲解:In a few days the eggs open, and the baby mosquitoes,

  called larvae, come out. 可知Larvae是蚊子幼虫。选A

  第8题:Female mosquitoes lay eggs__________.

  A. in human blood B. in plant juices C. in water D. in cold areas



  讲解:she flies to an area of water and deposits her eggs in the water.选C


  Only the ________ will bite for blood.

  A. male B. baby mosquitoes C. mosquito D. female



  讲解:It is interesting to note that only the female will bite for blood.选D


  The male mosquito ________ with his mouth.

  A. can only drink plant juices B. can get blood C. can eat anything D. Both A and B



  讲解:On the other hand, the male mosquito can only drink plant juices with his mouth.



  Passage C

  Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer(志愿者)! We’re a non-profit organization(非盈利机构). We have volunteer jobs of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their seventies can become a volunteer.

  You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without home. There is something for everyone.

  “As a volunteer, I don’t want to get anything. Seeing the children’s happy faces, I’m happy, too.” Said Carlos Domingo , an old woman of 62. “I often played computer games in my spare time before. Now I help older people learn how to use computers.” Said another volunteer at the age of 18.

  If everyone helps out a bit, we’ll have a better world to live in. Interested? Call us 1-900-888 or visit our websites: www.activol.com.

  When do the volunteers help others?

  A. In their spare time . B. At weekends. C. On weekdays. D. In the evenings



  讲解:细节题:从第一段的句子:Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others in your spare time? 可知自愿者是在空闲时间帮助别人。选A


  Volunteers want to get_____when they help others.

  A. money B. computers C. nothing D.love



  讲解:细节题:从第三段的句子:“As a volunteer,I don’t want to get anything.可知自愿者帮助别人是不想得到什么的`。选C


  Carlos Domingo does volunteer work with ____?

  A. animals B. older people C. computers D. children



  讲解:从第三段的句子:Seeing the children’s happy faces,I’m happy,too” said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62.可知Carlos Domingo 的自愿工作是帮助孩子。选D


  We can read such a passage in ____?

  A. a newspaper B. a textbook C. a storybook D. a novel





  Passage D

  One morning a young woman, who had just lost her first job, was reading newspapers in her room. She read very carefully and tried to find another job. At last, she found a piece of good news, so she was very happy. At once she called her mother, who was in the kitchen.

  “Listen to this, mother!” She cried, “I have found an easy way to earn money.” “What is it?” her mother asked, coming into the room. “Listen”, said the girl, and read the news, “Do you want to earn money? Give me one pound together with a stamp to earn money.” “Send me one pound together with a stamp and then tell me where you live, you will receive a letter showing you how to earn hundreds of pounds when you stay at home.”

  “I don’t believe that”, said the mother, “you will only lose one pound and two stamps; if he knows how to do that, why does he do it himself? Why does he need to say it in the newspaper? You won’t get an answer.” “Well, mother, one pound isn’t much” she said, “I can try!” With these words she went to the post office.

  Two or three days later, she received a letter. There were only four words on a small piece of paper “Do as I do.”

  The young woman was ______.

  A. In a factory

  B. a student

  C. thinking of finding a job

  D. reading a booK



  讲解:第一段第二行She read very carefully and tried to find another job.选C


  When she was reading, her mother was ______.

  A. beside her

  B. not in her room

  C. speaking to someone

  D. crying in the living room



  讲解:第一段结尾At once she called her mother, who was in the kitchen.选B

  第17题:The news was about how to______.

  A. use money to make money

  B. pay money

  C. send money

  D. make money



  讲解:“I have found an easy way to earn money.” 第二段第一行。选D

  第18题:The girl believed the news, but ______.

  A. she had no money

  B. she didn’t send a letter

  C. her mother didn’t

  D. her mother had no money



  讲解:I don’t believe that”, said the mother, “you will only lose one pound and two stamps;可知妈妈不相信。选C


  A.wanted B.pleased C.carried D.helped




  A、/d/ B、/d/ C、/d/ D、/t/


  A.ever B.regard C.next D.spell




  A、/e/ B、/ɪ/ C、/e/ D、 /e/


  A.healthy B.breath C.through D.smooth




  A、/θ/ B、/θ/ C、/θ/ D、/e/


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