


  英语面试离职原因 篇1

  Before we delve into the specifics on answering the question positively, let's first establish how you shouldn’t answer the question:


  Don't badmouth your previous or current employer.


  Don't badmouth your previous or current boss.


  Instead, you want to keep the conversation positive and focused on the job you're targeting. Here are a few examples of how to answer this question, whether you were laid off, fired or are leaving on your own.


  Laid Off公司裁员

  The company was cutting back on expenses, and unfortunately, my job was one of the 600 cut.


  I was laid off along with my entire department due to company restructuring.


  The company hired a new manager who “updated” my team, cutting out current employees to bring on members of her old team. I understand that was her right, and it has enabled me to open myself to new and better opportunities.



  Looking back, I realize that I made some bad choices and should have done things differently. I've taken this as learning experience so I can avoid those mistakes in the future. I hope I can have the opportunity to prove this to you.


  My talents and competencies were not a good fit with the needs of my previous company, but they seem like a perfect match for the role you have open. Would you like to hear more about my experience in graphic design?


  I was dealing with a number of personal problems that led me to disconnect from work, and ultimately led to my departure. I had the time to take care of these issues and am back, focused and ready to exceed your expectations.



  I'm looking for opportunities with more responsibility and potential for advancement, where I can challenge myself and use my production skills in a different capacity.


  I left my previous job when my spouse was transferred and am looking for an opportunity in our new area.


  The hour and a half commute I was making each day at my previous employer was wearing me down. I would prefer to work closer to home.


  Honestly, I wasn't planning to leave, but I came across this opportunity which seems like an exciting challenge that exactly matches my skill set.


  英语面试离职原因 篇2

  for more specialized work为更专门的工作

  for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途

  for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任

  for wider experience 为扩大工作经验

  due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭

  due to expiry of employment 由于雇佣期满

  offere a more challenging opportunity 获得了更有挑战性的工作机会

  sought a better job 找到了更好的工作

  to look for a more challengling apportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会

  to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作

  be of no challenge 不具有挑战性

  promotion 升级,提升

  challenging 有挑战性的,要求高的

  contribution 贡献

  unfortunately 不幸地,遗憾地

  accumulate 积累,积聚

  trouble-shooting 解决难题,解决问题

  contract 合同,契约

  expiry 期满,终止

  responsibility 责任,义务,职责

  considerable 值得考虑的,重要的

  diversified 多样化的,多元化的

  quit 离开,辞职

  英语面试离职原因 篇3

  A: What positions have you held before?


  B: I have been a salesman. But now, I can do public relations.


  A: Would you mind answering a few personal questions?


  B: Of course not.


  A: OK. Does your present employer know that you are going to leave?


  B: Yes. I gave her my resignation a few days ago.


  A: Will she let you leave your present job?


  B: Yes, I think she will.


  A: Why do you want to leave your present job?


  B: Well, there are several reasons. I don’t think my present job is suitable for me. That’s the first reason. Secondly, your company has a good reputation. I think it can offer me more challenging opportunities. Last, frankly speaking, I wish to get higher pay.

  B:哦,有几个原因。我认为我目前的工作 不适合我,这是第一个原因。第二,贵公 司声誉不错,我认为可以为我提供更多 的富有挑战性的工作机会。最后,坦率 地说,我希望能获得高工资。

  A: I appreciate you frankness. Do you know anything about our company?

  A:我很欣赏你的坦率。你了解关于我们公 司的一些情况吗?

  B: Yes. It’s a Korea company and it was built in Beijing five years ago.

  B:是的,这是一家韩国公司,它是5年前在 北京建立的。

  英语面试离职原因 篇4

  A: Have you ever served in any international trading company?


  B: Yes. I once worked in a small company for one year.


  A: Then why did you leave?


  B: My reason for leaving is that I wish to get into the advertising business.


  A: What have you learnt from this short experience?


  B: I’ve leamt a lot about business knowhow. I got to know what kind of knowledge was needed in my future work.

  B:我学到了一些商业诀窍。我知道在将来 的工作中我需要哪些知识。


  1. 英语面试:如何说明离职原因和应聘原因
  2. 求职英语面试之离职和应聘原因
  3. 求职英语离职原因和应聘原因
  4. 求职离职原因的英语说法
  5. 英语求职面试对话
  6. 面试时最好的离职原因