


  * My job pays well


  *what kind of were you thinking of ?


  *I’ve been doing the same job in another company.


  *I’m bored with my job (我对我的工作感到厌烦了)

  *I’m going to quit (我打算辞职)

  *I’m going to look for another job


  *I have an interview tomorrow


  May I see your resume ?(我能看一下你的简历吗?)

  *Tell me about yourself?(谈谈你自己好吗?)

  *How long have you been at your present job ?


  *Why are you leaving your current job ?


  *What is your educational background ?


  *Have you had any additional experience?


  *What kind of position are you looking for ?


  *What kind of salary are you looking for ?


  *What kind of future are you looking for ?


  *Where do you see yourself in 10 years ?


  *Are you looking for a promotion ?


  *Do you work well with other people?


  *Do you prefer to work alone ?


  *What is your greatest quality ?


  *Can you give me an example of when you showed leadership?(能举一个表现你领导才能的.句子吗?)

  *Have you ever made a suggestion that has help your company?(你对你所在的公司曾提过什么有益的建议吗?)

  *When could you start working ?


  *Thank you for coming.



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