



  Can you tell me why you think you will be good at this position?


  A: (1). I pay much attention to detail 我很注重细节。

  (2). I 'm able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously and work under pressure. 我能同时处理多个任务,并且可以在压力下工作。

  (3). I have excellent interpersonal and communication skills and good contacts. 我人际交往及沟通能力强,人缘好。

  2. Why should I hire you?

  A: (1). I’m ableto anticipate and find problems and let them settled in time. 我能及时预见并发现问题,并及时处理。

  (2). I am always in high spirits and highly self-motivated. 我始终积极乐观,善于激励自我。

  (3). I am able to work independently and also willing to be in a team. 我能独立完成工作,也愿意与他人合作。

  3. Youare not much experienced in this field, aren’t you? 你在这方面经验不足,对吧?

  A: (1). I have a thorough knowledge of English language. 我英语很好

  (2). I don’t mind working overtime. 我愿意加班。

  (3). I am taking some training courses to handle my share of responsibility. 为了胜任工作,我最近在参加培训课程。

  4. Why did you leave office? 你为什么从之前的公司辞职?

  A: (1). I don’t feel like in my present post I am able to show my full potential. I am seeking a challenging job that will make my ability recognized. 目前职位不能让我尽展所能,我想找一份具有挑战性,使我能力得到认可的工作。

  (2). I want to move up in my career. 我希望寻求职业发展。

  (3). I can’t see any opportunity for advancement there in my former company. 在之前的\\\'公司,我看不到任何晋升的希望。

  5. So tell me what you know about our company. 你对我们公司了解多少?

  A: (1). I know about the history, financial situation, core competencies of your company. 我了解你们公司的历史,财务状况,核心竞争了。

  (2). This company was founded by three men almost thirty years ago and went public in NYSE (New York stock exchange) last year. 你们公司由三个人三十年前创立,去年在纽交所上市。

  (3).The total turnover of your company reached $9 billion last year and up by 12% over the previous year. 你们公司去年营业额达到90亿美元,比上一年增长了12%。


  1. 一些英语面试的问题及回答
  2. 英语求职面试问题及回答
  3. 英语教师面试常见问题及回答
  4. 研究生复试英语面试问题及回答
  5. 英语面试中常见问题及回答方式