

  1. Hi, I'm Emily. I love my dog Clifford a lot. But he eats a lot of food. And a lot of food costs a lot of money.

  嗨!我是 Emily。我很爱我的狗狗 Clifford。但是他要吃很多狗粮,所以就要花很多钱。

  2. Mum and Dad are very worried. "We will have to send Clifford away," they say. Clifford doesn't want to go away. He decides to get a job and pay for his own food.

  妈妈和爸爸很发愁。“我们将不得不把 Clifford 送出去,”他们说。Clifford 不想离开,他决定要找份工作,自己挣钱买吃的。

  3. We go to a farm. The farmer says Clifford can work for him. Clifford brings a wagon full of hay. He is doing well.

  我们去了一个农场,农场主说 Clifford 可以为他工作。Clifford 拉了满满一车干草,他干得不错。

  4. Then he sees a rat running to the barn. Clifford chases the rat.


  5. Oh, Clifford is too big, he destroys the barn. The farmer is angry and asks Clifford to leave.

  哦!Clifford 太大了,把谷仓都撑坏了。农场主一怒之下把 Clifford 赶走了。

  6. We feel sad. Suddenly a car goes past us fast. And right behind it comes a police car. They are chasing robbers! Clifford runs fast and catches the robbers.


  7. "Good job! You can work as a police dog," says the policeman. Clifford is happy.


  8. Now Clifford goes to work every day. They don't pay him money. But every week, they send Clifford a lot of dog food. So we can keep him.

  现在 Clifford 每天去上班。警察并不付给他钱,但是每周他们会给 Clifford 送来很多狗粮。这样,我们可以养得起他了。




  晚上,大鸟(Big Bird)看到天空中的飞虫一闪一闪好漂亮!他高兴地把飞虫放进瓶子里,可是……

  One night Big Bird sees something glowing in the dark. “Look!” he says. “A little bug!” The little bug goes twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.

  一天晚上,大鸟看到黑暗的夜里有闪闪发亮的东西。“看啊!”他说,“小飞虫!” 小飞虫闪啊,闪啊,闪的。

  “Come here, little bug! I won’t hurt you,” says Big Bird. He puts the bug in a jar.


  “Bert, look at my bug,” says Big Bird. “Twinkle for Bert, little bug.” But the bug doesn’t twinkle.

  “伯特,看看我的小飞虫。”大鸟说道。“小飞虫,给伯特闪一下。” 小飞虫没有闪。

  “Why won’t you twinkle, little bug? Maybe you are lonely.” Big Bird talks to the little bug. But the bug doesn’t twinkle.


  “Maybe you are tired.” Big Bird gives the bug a pillow so he can take a nap . But the bug doesn’t twinkle.


  “Maybe you are hungry.” Big Bird gives the bug a cookie to eat. He still doesn’t twinkle.


  “Grover, why doesn’t my little bug twinkle?” asks Big Bird. “Will you twinkle in a jar?” asks Grover. “I guess not.”

  “格鲁夫,为什么我的小飞虫不闪了啊?” 大鸟问道。“你会在一个瓶子里闪光吗?” 格鲁夫问到。“我想不会的。”

  Big Bird opens the jar and sets the little bug free. “Twinkle, twinkle, little bug,” he says. And the bug does twinkle, twinkle, twinkle!




  It’s Christmas Eve. Santa and Rudolf are getting ready for Christmas. Santa puts on his red jacket and his red hat.


  There are lots of presents in Santa’s sleigh for children around the world. Now they are off!


  Amy is asleep at home. Santa climbs down the chimney with Amy’s present.


  But, oh dear…he is too fat. He can’t move!


  Amy helps Santa get out of the chimney. “Thank you, Amy. Can you help me deliver the presents?” asks Santa. “Yes, Santa. Let’s go,” says Amy.


  Amy and Santa fly into the air. They go all around the world with the Christmas presents.


  Amy goes down the chimneys and puts the presents under the trees.


  The sleigh flies back to theNorth Pole for more presents. Santa’s toy factory is very busy. There are robots, dolls, balls and teddies


  Amy is at the North Pole. It is snowing. Amy and Rudolf throw snowballs. They have lots of fun.


  “Thank you, Amy. Here’s a special present for you.”


  “Thanks Santa. See you again next year!”


  【Learn it】请小朋友们学习以下内容:

  climbs down the chimney 顺着烟囱往下爬

  fly into the air 飞入天空中

  【Do it】请小朋友们做做以下内容:

  What did Amy help Santa to do on Christmas Eve?




  1. On a sunny day, Small Bear goes boating with Papa. They go to buy hats first. Papa gets a small hat for his big head. Small Bear gets a big hat for his small head.


  2. Papa's hat is too small. Small Bear's hat is too big! They exchange hats. Just right!


  3. Next, they go to buy swimsuits. Papa gets a small suit. Small Bear gets a big suit.


  4. The small suit is too tight for Papa. The big suit is too loose for Small Bear! They exchange swimsuits. Just right!


  5. Now, they come to the boat. It has two seats. Papa sits on the small seat. Small Bear sits on the big seat.


  6. Papa Bear is too heavy. Small Bear is too light. They exchange seats. Just right!


  7. After boating, they go to have lunch nearby. Papa gets a small bowl. Small Bear gets a big bowl.


  8. The food in the small bowl is too little for Papa. And the food in the big bowl is too much for Small Bear. They exchange bowls. What a good meal!



  What a good meal!



  1. How ...!

  How lovely the baby is! 这个小宝宝多可爱啊!

  2. What ...!

  What a lovely baby! 多可爱的小宝宝啊!



  heavy good loose bad light small tight big



  下雨了,外面黑黑的,做什么呢? 芭比的故事时间开始了……

  1.It is a dark and rainy night. Barbie is reading in her bed. Kelly and Stacie run in. "Tell us a story, Barbie," says Stacie.


  2.Barbie looks around. She sees a bunny. "There are two princesses named Kelly and Stacie…" Barbie begins.


  3.One day, the princesses go to have a picnic in the forest. Suddenly it begins to rain! The princesses take their basket and hide inside a big tree.


  4.The rain stops. A bunny hops by. "I have nowhere to go. My house has too much rain water," says Bunny.


  5.Just then a bird flies down. "It rained so hard," he says. "My nest fell out of the tree."


  6.The two princesses will help their friends. Everyone goes up the hill. Stacie and Kelly dig a nice new hole for Bunny. "Thank you," says Bunny.


  7.Everyone finds twigs and leaves. They build a new nest for Bird. "Thank you," says Bird.


  8.Kelly and Stacie share their picnic with Bird and Bunny.


  9."The end," says Barbie. Kelly and Stacie look up. The rain stops. "We like your story!" says Kelly.




  1.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物。

  课文例句:Kelly and Stacie share their picnic with Bird and Bunny.

  2.bunny n. 【儿】兔子 【美】 松鼠


  Who helped the bunny and the bird?



  1. One day, a man stops us and asks if Clifford would like to be in a movie. Clifford is happy to hear that.


  2. When the movie is finished, everybody says Clifford is the best actor in the world. Clifford is a star.


  3. His fans are everywhere.


  4. And they all want souvenirs.


  5. There are a lot of parties. Clifford gets tired of them. But they say movie stars have to go to parties.


  6. One day, he looks over his wall and sees a girl playing with her dog. He misses me.


  7. Clifford doesn't want to be a star anymore. That night he jumps over the wall.


  8. Clifford comes home. He'd rather be with me than in Hollywood. I'm glad he loves me as much as I love him.



  1. get tired of 厌烦

  Clifford gets tired of the parties. Clifford 厌烦了派对聚会。

  2.'d rather = would rather 宁愿

  He'd rather be with me than in Hollywood. 他宁愿离开好莱坞和我在一起。



  (1) _____! There's a dog over there!

  (2) I can't _____it.

  (3) Do you _____ a boy with a hat on?


  Answer: 1. Look 2. see 3. see


  1. 四年级英语阅读材料之狗狗我要学雷锋
  2. 五年级英语阅读材料之狗狗圣诞节礼物
  3. 四年级下册英语期末试卷及答案
  4. 英语专业求职信的
  5. 大学生英语专业求职信
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