



  A:What is your family name (given name)? 请问你姓什么(叫什么名字)?

  B: My family name is Zhao, and my given name is Yunshu 我姓赵,叫云淑。

  A: Could you tell me a little bit about yourself, please? 请告诉我一些关于你自己的情况。

  B: My name is Li Ming and I live in Shanghai.I was born in 1977. I graduated from Fudan University, major in English. I like music very much and enjoy sports. I was in the badminton club at my uni-versity.


  A: Does your name reflect your personality? 你的名字反映了你的个性吗?

  B: Yes. In some way, it can reflect one’s personality. In my case,my name is Yu Xian. Xian means gentle, capable, friendly. my friends all like me, and they all think I am a good girl.


  A: What kind of personality do you think you have? 你认为你是什么样的人?

  B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, and I don’t like to leave something half done.


  A: Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved? 你说自己是外向型的还是更加内向型的.?

  B: Well, I’m not very outgoing, I’ m a fairly reserved person. 嗯,我不很外向,所以我想你得说我是个相当内向的人。

  B: (or) I’m not really sure maybe partly both. 我不很确定也许两者兼有。

  A: Do you think you are more extroverted or more introverted? 你认为你比较外向还是比较内向?

  B: Well, sometimes I want to be by myself, but most of the time I pre-fer being with a group of people, so I guess you’ d say quite extroverted.


  B: (or) I like being around people and doing things with people. 我喜欢在人群中和大家一起做事。

  A: Are you more of a follower or a leader? 你愿意做跟随者,还是领导者?

  B: I don’t try to get in front of people and lead them, particularly. I’d rather cooperate with everybody else, and get the job done by working together.


  A: What would you say about some of your advantages and disadvantages? 你说你有那些缺点和优点?

  B: Well, I’m afraid I’m a poor talker, and that isn’t very good, so I’ve been studying how to speak in public. I suppose a strong point of mine is that I like developing new things and ideas.


  A: When and where were you born? 你什么时候在什么地方出生?

  B: I was born in Hunan on May 10,1977. 1977年5月10日在湖南出生。

  A: What is your present address? 现在住哪里?

  B: No. I, Zhongguancun Str., Haidian District, Beijing. 北京海淀区中关村大街1号。





  be well acquainted with对……非常熟悉

  better改善 v.动词

  extroverted外向 adj.形容词

  family name姓 n.名词

  introverted内向 adj.形容词

  personality个性 n.名词

  scholarship奖学金 n.名词

  sole charge全权处理


  1. I approach things very enthusiastically.我做事非常热心。

  2. In some way, my name can reflect my personality.我的名字在某种程度上反映了我的个性。

  3. Would you describe yourself as outgoing or reserved?你说自己是外向型的还是内向型的?

  4. I like being around people and doing things with people.我喜欢在呆人群中和大家一起做事。

  5. I’d rather cooperate with everybody else.我愿和其他每一个人合作。

  6. I graduated from Fudan University, major in English我念复旦大学,主修英语。

  7. I suppose a strong point of mine is that I like developing new things and ideas.我想我有一个优点那就是我喜欢发展新的东西和想法。


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  2. 英语面试时的常见问题
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  5. 英语求职面试自我介绍
  6. 商务英语面试自我介绍