


  What areyour salary expectations?



  1. Iwould expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with myexperiences and educational background.


  2. Shallwe discuss my responsibilities with your company first?

  I think salary is closely related to theresponsibilities of the job.


  3. Ihope you’ll consider my experience and training and will offer me a salaryhigher than the junior secretary’s salary.


  4. Iexpect to be paid according to my abilities.


  Tell good stories, ask good questions, be a closer.Here’s only one most important thing to remember: when it comes to discussingyour potential salary, never give the number first.


  So here’s a list ofresponses for all the ways the interviewer will ask you how much money youexpect to make. The more times you can fend off the question, the less likelyyou will have to be the one to give the first number. This works, even if youdon’t have the upper hand and you really need the job.


  What salary range areyou looking for?


  “Let’s talk about thejob requirements and expectations first, so I can get a sense of what you need.”That’s a soft answer to a soft way to ask the question.


  What did you make atyour last job?


  “This position is notexactly the same as my last job. So let’s discuss what my responsibilitieswould be here and then determine a fair salary for this job.” It’s hard toargue with words like “fair” and “responsibilities”—you’re earning respect withthis one.


  What are youexpecting to make in terms of salary?


  “I am interested infinding a job that is a good fit for me. I’m sure whatever salary you’re payingis consistent with the rest of the market.” In other words, I respect myselfand I want to think I can respect this company.


  I need to know whatsalary you want in order to make you an offer. Can you tell me a range?


  “I’d appreciate it ifyou could make me an offer based on whatever you have budgeted for thisposition and we can go from there.” This is a pretty direct response, so usingwords like “appreciate” focuses on drawing out the interviewer’s betterqualities instead of her tougher side.


  Why don’t you want togive your salary requirements?


  “I think you have agood idea of what this position is worth to your company, and that’s importantinformation for me to know.” Enough dancing–this is one last attempt to forceyou to give the number first. Hold your line here and you win.



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