



  Hello,you look happy, Why?

  I get full score in English exam.


  Thank you

  Can you tell me something about how to success ?

  Just as the saying goes,No pain,No gain!

  So we should study and work on our feet.

  Great ,anything else?

  It's necessary to follow teacher' guidance.What's more, confidence is important.

  I wish you to success.

  Thank you!

  甲ll right!Let's go to success hand in hand.

  WOW,That's Great!

  Come on!














  甲: Good morning, Mr. Green. Please have a seat. I received your resume last Monday and I would like to say I’m very impressed.

  乙: Thank you.

  甲: May I asked why you are interested in working for us?

  乙: Your company has an impressive reputation. My uncle worked for your company for many years.

  甲: Oh, did he?

  乙: Yes, but he retired 5 years ago.

  甲: Would you mind telling me a little bit about your present job?

  乙: I’m a senior broker in a large company. I deal with clients on a daily basis, handling all aspects of their accounts personally.

  甲: Do you think you are the right candidate for this position?

  乙: Yes, I do think I am the right candidate for this position.

  甲: Why do you think you’re the right candidate for this position?

  乙: Well, I have a lot of experience in this area. I have all the qualifications you need. I enjoy working with people. In my current job, I’m in charge of a team of eight people.

  甲: Well, you might be the person we’ve been looking for. Do you have any question?

  乙: Yes, if I were hired, when would you like me to start?

  甲: 甲t the end of this month.

  乙: 甲nd how many accounts would I handle?

  甲: You’ll be supervising six brokers who manage a combined total of 310 accounts.

  乙: What kind of benefit package do you offer?

  甲: Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year of employment. You’re also eligible for medical and dental insurance. 甲nd we offer a generous retirement plan after 10 years of service. Do you have any other questions?

  乙: No, not at the moment.

  甲: Well, I’ll have to discuss your application with my colleagues, and we’ll get back to you early next week.

  乙: Thanks. It was very nice to meet you.

  甲: it was nice to meet you, too. 甲nd thanks for coming in today.

  甲: 早上好,格林先生。请坐。我上周一收到了你你的简历。应该说,它给我留下了很深的印象。

  乙: 谢谢。

  甲: 我可以问一下,你为什么愿意到我们这儿来工作?

  乙: 贵公司的信誉非常好。我叔叔在贵公司工作了多年。

  甲: 是吗?

  乙: 是的。但是他5年前退休了。

  甲: 你可以谈谈你目前的工作情况吗?

  乙: 我是一家大公司的资深经纪人。我每天与客户打交道,处理他们的一切事物。

  甲: 你认为你适合这个职位吗?

  乙: 是的。我这样认为。

  甲: 你为什么这么认为呢?

  乙: 嗯,在这个方面,我有丰富的经验。我满足贵公司的所有条件。我愿意与人合作交流。目前我负责管理的团队有8个人。

  甲: 嗯,你可能正是我们在找的\\\'人。你还有什么问题吗?

  乙: 如果我被雇佣,贵公司希望我什么时候开始上班?

  甲: 本月底?

  乙: 我需要管理多少个账户呢?

  甲: 你要管理6个经纪人,共310个客户账户。

  乙: 福利待遇怎样呢?

  甲: 被雇佣的第一年,有两周的带薪休假。我们提供医疗保险和牙医保险。工作10年后,我们还有丰厚的养老计划。你还有其它问题吗?

  乙: 暂时没有了。

  甲: 我要与我的同事讨论你的申请。下周初我们会给你答复。

  乙: 谢谢。很高兴见到您。

  甲: 很高兴见到你。谢谢你来。


  1. 外企面试的英语情景对话
  2. 外企二面英语情景对话
  3. 两人面试情景英语对话
  4. 外企面试英语情景对话
  5. 英语求职面试的情景对话
  6. 英语求职面试对话情景