北京 CBD 免笔试通知


  Dear Candidates, Thanks for your interest in P&G! We are glad to inform you that you have passed our on-line assessment, according to the English test scores which you provided us during on-line application, your English test scores have met our basic English standard, you are not required to take our TOEIC test this time but need to provide us a copy of your English test certificate with your ID Card number and Chinese name to the email address *** or *** before Oct.15, so that we can verify your English test result by working with our agency 51job. Note:Each of these two email addresses will have automatic response email when your email is delivered successfully. Since the capacity of the mailbox is limit, it’s not recommended to send the email many times, or even send to both two emails. Thanks for your corporation. At the same time, we will put you into our interview selection pool now. Please kindly note that English test score is only one of our selection factors, we will review your profile further by considering other selection factors and inform you soon on whether you will be selected to interview. Please kindly note that if your scores are not the same as what you have shared with us or your results are not able to be found on related tests agents’ records, we will stop processing your application immediately. [url=]For further notice, we’d like to invite your continued attention to P&G BBS on Yingjiesheng or your personal mailbox. Thanks![/url] Best regardsP&G Recruitment


  1. 关于2019年包头市事业单位招聘免笔试岗位进行网络面试的通知
  2. 关于修订《北京市医疗保障领域轻微违法免罚和初次违法慎罚办法》的通知
  3. 福建农信社免笔试面试真题
  4. 农信社、农商银行免笔试面试真题
  5. 上海市科学技术职业学院免笔试面试录取条件
  6. 兴业银行长沙分行春季校园招聘笔试通知来了