

1. In the article, the word “critical” in paragraph 1, line 4 is closest in meaning to

A. growing

B. sensitive

C. disapproving

D. important

2. According to the article, why is the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company mentioned in the book?

A. To point out the legal issues raised by new technologies

B. To show how the world’s largest computer technology firm was created

C. To indicate that large companies have advantages in the marketplace

D. To illustrate the impact technology has on transactions

3. What can be inferred about John Gilliam from his review?

A. He specializes in articles focusing on history.

B. He agrees with the ideas presented in the book

C. He hopes technology will become less important to business

D. He is training to work in corporate mergers.

4. Why did Ms. Oguro write an e-mail to Ms. Narazaki?

A. To offer her a job

B. To compliment her on her new book

C. To invite her to visit Sydney

D. To request advice on writing books

5. What does Ms. Oguro indicate about New Century, New Business?

A. It is Anne Narazaki’s first book.

B. It is published by Rotaro incorporated

C. John Gilliam helped write a section of it

D. Anne Narazaki wrote it at Poynter Technologies


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  2. 最新银行招聘英语考试章节练习(四)
  3. 最新银行招聘英语考试章节练习(二)
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