

1. ______ employee of Hitel Computers received a 6 percent bonus last year.

A. Most B. Whenever C. Always D. Every

2. ______the start-up venture is risky, Mr. Skinner is still willing to invest $2million of his

own money in it

A. Even though B. Despite C. Because D. Whenever

3. The CEO of Argall Enterprises is expected to ______ a statement to the press later this week.

A. act B. issue C. speak D. reply

4. After a long period of poor sales, Traestar Industries finally released figures showing a budget ______ for the third quarter.

A. surplus B. price C. substitute D. reward

5. ______ with other brands of different companies, this kind of machine cost less and can prolong the life of the engine.

A. Comparably B.Comparison C. Comparing D. Compared


1. 【答案】D。解析:every后面接可数名词单数;most接可数名词复数;B、C与题意不符合。

2. 【答案】A。解析:主句中说Mr. Skinner仍然愿意投资,从句中说新公司有风险,故应该是让步关系,故答案为A。Despite 有尽管的意思,但是不能接句子。

3. 【答案】B。解析:act行动;issue发布;speak说;reply回复;issue a statement发布公告。

4. 【答案】A。解析:budget surplus 预算盈余。

5. 【答案】D。解析:考查非谓语动词。主语为this kind of machine,与compare为被动关系,所以选D。


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