

The Shanghai Technical Supervision Bureau recently released the results of a sample survey of 486 Model computers being sold in the city’s markets. The survey revealed that nine of 14 types, or 64 percent of imported brand-name computers fulfilled the standards.

A large number of the low-quality “foreign” computers which were marketed as world-famous brands were actually counterfeited shoddy products lacking the necessary information such as registered trademarks, factory of origin, quality certifications and safety indices.

In addition, a survey of Shanghai footwear markets conducted by the Bureau on 30-odd occasions since early this year indicated various brands of “foreign shoes”, including Nike and Puma, were low-quality counterfeited goods. The allegedly world-famous brands, priced between 300-500 Yuan per pair, were actually worth only 40-60 Yuan.

An official from the China Consumer Association pointed to the following complaints concerning “foreign goods”: Quality problems related to individual commodities have developed into a universal problem directly relate to batch shipments of commodities. It is thus quite obvious that the crackdown on counterfeit shoddy foreign goods is a task requiring the utmost immediacy.

The appearance of shoddy counterfeit foreign goods has adversely affected the normal operations of China’s real foreign-goods markets, has greatly harmed the interests of consumers and resulted in substantial losses in state tax revenue. Officials have pointed out that the key to cracking down on counterfeit foreign goods is to attack illegal acts related to selling sham(虚假的) foreign goods at the prices applicable for authentic products.

Officials recommend that commodity inspection, technical supervision and industrial and commercial departments should strengthen law enforcement efforts, increase the frequency, of inspections, and eliminate the sources of sham foreign goods.

Enterprises producing and marketing sham foreign goods should be subject to severe punishment, with all cases referred to the judicial departments for adjudication, and public supervision should be intensified.

Consumers, on the other hand, should make every effort to constantly enhance their ability to discern counterfeit foreign goods, and should refrain from blindly purchasing such products simply because of their low price.

1. The sample survey on computers discovered that ______. 

A. four hundred and eighty-six computers were counterfeited ones

B. 64 percent of the imported computers were low-quality shoddy products

C. nine types of imported computers were up to the standard of their brands

D. large numbers of low-quality computers had been imported

2. The survey on Shanghai footwear markets showed that______. 

A. “foreign shoes” of various brands were of low quality

B. world-famous brands of shoes were actually worth 50 to 60 Yuan

C. many of the world famous brand shoes sold were actually counterfeited ones

D. people were paying much more than they should to buy foreign goods

3. An official from the China Consumer Association pointed out that ______.

A. the quality of foreign goods should be improved immediately

B. the problem of counterfeit shoddy foreign goods should be dealt with immediately

C. more and more people were dissatisfied with the quality of foreign goods

D. improper shipping could damage the quality of goods

4. One of the negative effects of counterfeit foreign goods was that ______. 

A. prices for foreign goods had to be kept low

B. the government suffered great losses in tax collection

C. consumers might lose interest in them

D. the government might be forced to ban the import of all foreign goods

5. It is suggested in the passage that consumers ______.

A. should resist the temptation to buy goods at low prices

B. should report counterfeit goods by referring them to the judicial departments

C. should perform the role of government inspection bodies to watch out for counterfeit goods

D. should learn to distinguish fake foreign goods from real ones for themselves



【解析】:关键词是sample survey,短文第一段最后一句话提到调查显示,只有64%的品牌电脑符合标准。该段虽然提到了“486”,但那是机器的型号(model),并不是A项所说的486台;选项B与短文内容正好相反;C项中的9类与原文中讲的是“nine of 14 types”(即9与14之比)不是一回事;比较而言,选项D符合原文。


【解析】:关键词是 survey, footwear markets。根据短文第三段中提到许多世界名牌鞋是伪劣产品,选项A“各种各样牌子的外国鞋质量低劣”与原文一致,为正确答案。其他选项与原文不符。


【解析】:关键词是China Consumer Association。根据文中第四段最后一句话“处罚伪劣外国产品是当务之急”,选项B说假冒伪劣外国产品问题应当立即加以解决,符合原文的意思,故为正确答案。其他选项与原文第四段不符。


【解析】:关键词是negative effects。根据短文第五段第一句话,便可得知选项B“政府在税收方面遭受重大损失”为正确答案。A项“外国产品被迫保持低价”;D项“政府可能被迫禁止进口一切外国产品”,与原文不符;C项“消费者可能对其失去兴趣”,原文是说极大地损害了顾客的利益,而不是使其失去兴趣。




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