

  短短的一分钟自我介绍就如何商品广告,针对"客户"的需求 , 将自己好的一面"推销"出去 , 使其产生"购买欲"。求职一分钟自我介绍怎么写?下面是一则中英对照一分钟自我介绍,希望能在你的求职中对你有所帮助。


     Honourable Judges,Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon/morning! I have been falling in love with Japanese/ Russian since my girlhood. When I hear someone is talking Japanese/Russian, I am intoxicated with the sound as I was listening to music. It\s my dream to master this language for many years. I am glad to have this chance to realize my dream. Big brothers and big sisters who had been in colleges told me that study is actually to acquire the ability of learning. And I believe that I have the power. I am not a frivolous, lazy, fickle man! On the contrary I have discipline and faith and I dot the I \s and cross the t \s while doing the work. After systematic learning, I believe that one day I can communicate with other people freely in Japanese/Russian and be proud of it. Give me a chance, you will get a surprise. Thank you!


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