上海科技大学人文科学研究院Kaoru Amino课题组招聘助教

2023-10-19    上海科技大学人文科学研究院Kaoru Amino课题组


Dr. Kaoru Amino (Japanese language and Linguists in ShanghaiTech, Institute of Humanities) is now seeking 2 Teaching assistants to conduct two types of interdisciplinary projects on Natural Language Processing.

1)    Error analysis due to current architecture of NLP, especially the error due to sequence prediction in BERT system or Transformer (Masked language model and Next sentence prediction) and recommendation system.

2)    Error due to recommendation system and Algorism as Sociology study


Job requirements;

knowledge in next area; At least two or three of next system

    - BERT, Transformer, ERNIE, ELMo, OpenAI GPT

     -VUIVoice User Interface)

     -Recommendation system


Speaking skill in easy English or Japanese (Probably we can find adequate translator from Chinese to English/Japanese, only if you have knowledge).

Candidates from Informatics are preferred.


Required tasks;

    -Assist the project as a specialist from the Informatics study.

    -Providing the opinion to each error from the perspective of system or architecture.  

    -Analyzing each linguistic error from the viewpoint of architectural nature.


Benefits: The assistant’s name will be put on the upcoming paper or  presentation as 2nd or 3rd author/ presenter.


To apply this job, please send your application letter or CV to kaoruamino@shanghaitech.edu.cn or  kaoru04252002@gmail.com ,





  1. 上海科技大学招聘思政课教师
  2. 上海科技大学招聘思政课教师
  3. 上海科技大学人文科学研究院招聘Assistant Professor
  4. 上海科技大学人文科学研究院招聘Assistant Professor
  5. 上海科技大学人文科学研究院“文学与写作”项目招聘文化活动项目助理
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