职等你来 | 全球知名制造商企业招聘RSR





As part of his main mission, the  Regional Security Manager (RSR):

Represents the Corporate Anticipation Prévention Protection (DCAPP) Department with the Management Team of its Region on the perimeter including all the entities under the responsibility of the Region, including acquisitions.

His areas of responsibility are:
·Economic Intelligence & Knowledge Preservation,
·Surveys & Accreditations,
·Travel, Expatriations & Events,
·Prevention of internal or external vigilance against  the interests of the Group.

For these areas and on the perimeter entrusted to it, it:
·Deploys and controls the DCAPP policy,
·Guarantees the identification and prevention of threats as well as the control of risks resulting from these threats,
·Animates the network of RGEP and Heritage Site Protection Officers,
·Ensures the deployment of staff training/awareness.

As the single point of contact of the ED Region for the other areas falling within the scope of DCAPP, the RSR:
·Provides information and communication between the ED Region and the Region CyberSecurity Managers  (RSR), Time Zone Cybersecurity Manager (TZCM), Time Zone Environment & Prevention (TZEP) and   the  Regional Health Coordinators.

As a permanent member of the Regional Ethics Committee, by delegation of the Regional Director, the RSR :
·Participates in the Ethic Point Committee made up of the Legal, Personnel and Security Managers Region
·Participates in the appointment, with the other members of the Ethic Point Committee, of investigators according to ethical subjects, areas of competence of investigators and their independence vis-à-vis the persons involved,

For the following ethical topics:
·Conflict of interest
·Disclosure of confidential information or data
·Theft, sabotage or vandalism
·Violence or threats
·Retaliation (whistleblower protection)
·Conducts investigations himself, ensuring that the evidence is admissible by the authorities.
·The following may also take up particularly serious cases on other ethical subjects outside the scope of its main mission :
·Employee Relations
·Accounting, financial and audit issues
·Antitrust practices
·Health and Safety
·Other violations of laws or policies
·General concerns
·Human rights
·Environment / Climate
·Export Control & International Sanctions
·Breach of personal data protection
·Infringement of an intellectual property right
·sexual harassment
·inappropriate behaviour
·Corruption, bribery and influence peddling

As a representative of DCAPP, in the context of crisis management, the RAN:
·Participates in regional crisis units for crises in all areas of DCAPP (Safety  + Security +  Health + Cyber-security).

As a representative of DCAPP, in the context of cybersecurity, in  collaboration with  the  Cyber Security Manager (RCR), and the Time Zone Cybersecurity Manager  (TZCM), the RSR:
·Contributes to a better understanding of cyber risks by internal and external staff by:
·Choosing with the Cyber Security Manager the  training / awareness training on cyber risks and threats (in particular those required by the Group),
·Ensuring the deployment of these trainings / sensitizations,
·Contributes to the control of cyber risks by ensuring that IS/IT infrastructures identify and  prevent physical  threats and controlthe risks resulting from these threats.

In the event that it manages a team to accomplish its mission, the RSR:
·Ensures the development of team members.

As part of its main mission:
·The Group Security policy is adapted to the specificities of the Region
·The regulations applicable to its scope and areas are known and analyzed.   Compliance actions are deployed when necessary.
·Threats specific to the Region are identified and anticipated in the areas of:
·Preservation of knowledge,
·Travel, Expatriations & Events,
·Malicious action against sites.
·A risk analysis of its scope is carried out and shared with the ED Region and DCAPP.   It is integrated into the Region\s risk mapping.
·Risk prevention and protection measures in the event of an occurrence are deployed
·Incidents are analyzed to draw feedback.
·The mobilization of the network of RGEP and Heritage Site Protection Officers allows the effective deployment of prevention and protection policies and measures.
·The necessary training/awareness actions in its fields are identified and launched with the support of the region\s local network of Competency Management of the profession and Learning & Development.   The implementation of actions and their impact are monitored.

As the single point of contact of the ED Region for the other areas covered by DCAPP:
·Guidelines, communications and recommendations are sent to the ED Region at the request of the CyberSecurity, Time Zone Environment & Prevention (TZEP) and Health Coordinators managers.
·Specific requests from the ED Region in these areas are collected and forwarded to them.

As a permanent member of the Regional Ethics Committee and  the Ethics Point Committee of the Region, by delegation of the Regional Director:
·Procedures and deadlines for processing reports are respected.
·Investigators are appointed and their suitability in terms of area of competence and independence is checked,
·Investigations carried out by him or under his supervision shall be carried out expeditiously and the evidence gathered shall be admissible by the authorities, if necessary.
·The cases provided for by the procedures are actually presented to the Regional Ethics Committee.

In the context of crisis management:
·Its participation or representation in regional crisis units is ensured for crises within its domains.

In the context of Cyber-Security:
·training/awareness training on cyber risks and threats (in particular those required by the Group) are identified and their level of achievement is monitored and shared with the ED Region
·physical threats to IS/IT infrastructures are identified
·a physical risk analysis of IS/IT infrastructures is conducted
·prevention and physical protection actions for IS/IT infrastructures are defined, operational and controlled.

In case he manages a team:
·The management of his team is assured,
·The development of his teammates is assured.

Prerequisites to enter the position
·Experience in managing the safety of people and property, crisis management, team management, in relation to state institutions (defence, interior, foreign affairs).
·Experience in conducting investigations
·International and operational experience in security fields, taking into account intercultural relations.


编辑 | 律小职






职等你来 | 全球知名制造商企业招聘RSR

职等你来 | 全球知名制造商企业招聘RSR



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