BD Manager|销往全球80+国家的智能家居品牌






Job Hunting Position

Company Name 

Link HRM B.V.

Job Title

BD Manager

Company Introduction

Our client company is a global brand for the connected home. Founded in 2012, the company has grown rapidly since then and now markets its products in more than 80 countries in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the United States. Since 2016, our client company has created a solid base in the European market and is committed to expanding its market share across the continent in France, Benelux, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain. Its French division is headquartered in Paris, France, and has adopted a proactive growth strategy through its dedicated sales, marketing, technical support, and logistics team.

Job  Responsibilities
  • Develop channels of Electricity、Installer、B2B. Building a sales strategy in order to increase sales of smart home category products.

  • Regular customer visiting to maintain relationship, discuss business, product training, understand customer needs and problems, to support them grow business.

  • Reviewing the market to determine customer needs, volume potential, pricing and competition.

  • Keep the manager updated to allow him to make accurate sales forecasts by product and by customer.

  • Analyze the industry market situation and trend, include technologies, products, prices and strategy, and provide corresponding suggestions.

  • Setup the sales plan and make sure the execution of the plan.

Job Requirements
  • You have at least 2 years working experience in smart home and smart entry product.

  • You have rich experience in Electricity、Installer、B2B and know how to promo smartlock, intercom, smart entry product in potential channels.

  • Has a strong relationship with some distributors or installers, can quickly make a breakthrough in channel.

  • You have a high level of business communication in English.

  • You have good interpersonal skills and can work within a multicultural environment.

  • You have a strong affinity with sales and able to be successful in negotiations.

  • You are able to work within a fast-paced multitasking environment and have the ability to manage stress.

Employment Type


Working Location

Hoofddorp, NL

Provide With Working Visa


If you are interested in this position, please send your CV and application form via You can also click "阅读原文" to view more job opportunities. 

If you have any questions about this position, please contact

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