Manulife Financial招聘全职双语实施专家,快来看看吧!




  • 聘公司Manulife Financial
  • 公司简介:加拿大宏利金融集团是加拿大主要的财经服务企业,业务遍布全球19个国家和地区,并获得“国际标准普尔”授予“AAA”评级。现是加拿大规模最大的人寿保险公司和北美15家最大的人寿保险公司之一。
  • 聘工作双语实施专家
  • 工作性质:全职
  • 工作内容:
  • 制定实施时间表
  • 在实施阶段与客户和/或顾问的主要联系人
  • 与客户和实施团队合作,获取计划详细信息,明确要求并确定项目中任务的交付日期
  • 协调和领导/促进客户会议
  • 协调,委派,谈判和跟进整个过程域中涉及的每个内部区域的所有实施任务,以确保所有区域都具有计划设置所需的信息,并与客户联络以解决问题,缺少信息
  • 跟踪和报告每个项目的状态,并在必要时主动将任何重大障碍或问题上报给高级管理层
  • 项目管理实施时间表,向客户和/或计划顾问以及客户经理和/或客户关系经理提供状态更新
  • 协调初始注册期(纸质注册表或电子数据)并联系计划发起人以获取失踪的员工信息
  • 与内部团队沟通,以解决问题过程中出现的特殊情况和问题
  • Creation of implementation schedules
  • Primary contact for the Client and/or Advisor during the implementation phase
  • Works with the client and implementation team to obtain plan details, clarify requirements, and establish delivery dates for tasks in the project
  • Coordinates and leads/facilitates the Client meeting
  • Coordinates, delegates, negotiates, and follows up on all implementation tasks with each internal area involved throughout the process areas to ensure all areas have required information for plan set up and works as liaison with client to resolve issues, missing information
  • Tracks and reports the status of each project and proactively escalates any significant barriers or issues to Sr. management as necessary
  • Project manages the implementation schedule, provides status updates to Client and/or Plan Advisor and Account Executive and/or Client Relationship Manager
  • Coordinates the initial enrolment period (paper enrolment forms, or electronic data) and contacts plan sponsor for missing employee information
  • Communicates with internal teams to resolve exceptional situations and problems that arise during the issue process
  • 职位要求:
  • 了解集团退休产品和系统的合同条款和管理惯例
  • 团体退休经历
  • 熟悉基于Window的软件(Word,Excel)
  • 优秀的口头和书面沟通技巧
  • 优秀的人际交往能力
  • 较强的谈判和解决问题的能力,能够识别问题和解决方案的影响
  • 能够在设定的时间限制内处理波动的工作负载和多个优先级
  • 以客户服务为中心 – 能够与内部和外部客户进行有效的谈判/沟通
  • 较强的分析能力
  • 注重细节
  • 双语将是一项明确的优势
  • 了解大型案例市场,包括人力资源服务和这些服务的信息系统要求
  • Knowledge of contract provisions and administrative practices of Group Retirement products and systems
  • Group Retirement experience
  • Good knowledge of Window’s based software (Word, Excel)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Strong negotiation and problem-solving skills with the ability to recognize implications of issues and solutions
  • Ability to handle fluctuating workloads and multiple priorities within set time constraints
  • Customer service focused – ability to effectively negotiate/communicate with internal and external clients
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Bilingualism would be a definite asset
  • Understanding of the large case market include HR Services and IS requirements for these services




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