外刊精读 | 招聘看简历,还是看人呢?








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In one of the richest nations on earth, the path to prosperity has narrowed significantly in recent decades — especially for those without a college education. More than 62 percent of Americans ages 25 and up do not hold bachelor’s degrees, and the earnings gap between those with a college education and those without one has never been wider. In 2021, the difference between the median earnings of younger workers with bachelor’s degrees and workers of the same age with high-school diplomas only was $22,000 — the largest since the Federal Reserve Bank of New York began tracking earnings in 1990. That’s happening even as the cost of college spirals upward, putting it out of reach for many. This has fueled anxiety, bitterness and a sense of alienation among the millions who see themselves as shut out of an economy that does not value them.

Making college more affordable is important, but there are other keys to the doors of opportunity as well. With an executive order issued on Jan. 18, his first full day as governor, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania used one of them: He eliminated the requirement of a four-year college degree for the vast majority of jobs in the state government, a change similar to one that Maryland and Utah made last year. This demonstrates both good policy and good leadership, representing a concrete change in hiring philosophy that stops reducing people to a credential and conveys that everyone — college-educated or not — has experience and worth that employers should consider.

The decision was driven in part by the realities of a tight labor market. Unemployment in Pennsylvania is 3.9 percent — close to the national average of 3.5 percent — and lower than it was before the pandemic. Public and private employers have been struggling to find qualified applicants, prompting a re-evaluation of hiring criteria. As Mr. Shapiro’s order notes, “In the modern labor market, applicants gain knowledge, skills and abilities through a variety of means, including apprenticeships, on-the-job training and trade schools.”

The private sector has been moving gradually in this direction already. Major players to embrace skill-based hiring include General Motors, Bank of America, Google, Apple and Accenture. IBM is recognized as a particular leader; about half of its U.S. job openings no longer require a four-year degree.

The public sector should join this reset more aggressively. Getting more states on board could provide a valuable boost; state governments are among the largest employers in many states, so their hiring criteria play a special role in validating workers without college degrees. Last March, Larry Hogan of Maryland became the first governor to announce that his state was doing away with college degree requirements for many jobs. In December, his fellow Republican, Spencer Cox of Utah, followed suit. “Degrees have become a blanketed barrier to entry in too many jobs,” Mr. Cox said. “Instead of focusing on demonstrated competence, the focus too often has been on a piece of paper.”

Expanding the terms for who can get hired is a change that would reverberate far beyond individual jobs and job seekers. It would bring a greater degree of openness and fairness into the labor market.


prosperity (繁荣) - the state of being successful and prosperous

Example: The country’s prosperity can be attributed to its booming tourism industry.

bachelor’s degree (学士学位) - an undergraduate academic degree awarded by universities and colleges

Example: She earned her bachelor’s degree in finance from a prestigious university.

earnings gap (收入差距) - the difference in income between two groups of people

Example: The earnings gap between men and women in the same positions is still a major issue in many industries.

Federal Reserve Bank (美国联邦储备银行) - the central bank of the United States

Example: The Federal Reserve Bank plays a crucial role in regulating the nation’s monetary policy.

spirals upward (急速上涨) - increases rapidly

Example: The cost of healthcare in the US has been spiraling upward for many years.

anxiety (焦虑) - a feeling of worry or unease

Example: The pandemic has caused increased levels of anxiety and stress for many people.

bitterness (愤怒) - resentment, anger, or disappointment

Example: He felt a deep sense of bitterness after being passed over for a promotion.

alienation (疏远) - the feeling of being isolated from a group or society

Example: Many immigrants experience a sense of alienation when they first move to a new country.

affordable (负担得起的) - able to be paid for or obtained without causing financial strain

Example: The government should focus on making healthcare more affordable for all citizens.

executive order (行政命令) - a directive issued by the president or governor of a country or state

Example: The president signed an executive order to limit the use of fossil fuels in government buildings.

credential (证书) - a qualification or certificate showing that a person is qualified for a particular job or profession

Example: She had to provide her credentials to prove that she was a licensed physician.

philosophy (哲学) - a system of beliefs or values

Example: His philosophy on education emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning experiences.

hiring criteria (招聘标准) - the requirements or standards used to evaluate job applicants

Example: The company’s hiring criteria include a minimum of five years of experience in the field.

apprenticeship (学徒制) - a system of on-the-job training for a specific trade or profession

Example: Many skilled trades such as carpentry or plumbing require completing an apprenticeship program.

on-the-job training (现场培训) - training provided at the place of work, often by experienced coworkers or supervisors

Example: The new employee will receive on-the-job training for the first few weeks of their employment.

skill-based hiring (基于技能的招聘) - a hiring approach that focuses on the skills and abilities of the applicant rather than formal education or degrees

Example: The company’s recent shift to skill-based hiring has led to a more diverse and qualified workforce.

private sector (私营部门) - the part of the economy that is made up of private businesses and organizations

Example: Many companies in the private sector have been impacted by the pandemic and have had to make significant changes to their operations.

public sector (公共部门) - the part of the economy that is made up of government agencies and organizations

Example: The public sector is responsible for providing essential services such as healthcare, education, and public safety.

competence (能力) - the ability to do something successfully or efficiently

Example: The job candidate demonstrated a high level of competence in their field during the interview.

openness (开放态度) - the willingness to consider different ideas or perspectives

Example: A culture of openness and collaboration is essential for a successful business or organization.



In one of the richest nations on earth, the path to prosperity has narrowed significantly in recent decades — especially for those without a college education. More than 62 percent of Americans ages 25 and up do not hold bachelor’s degrees, and the earnings gap between those with a college education and those without one has never been wider. In 2021, the difference between the median earnings of younger workers with bachelor’s degrees and workers of the same age with high-school diplomas only was $22,000 — the largest since the Federal Reserve Bank of New York began tracking earnings in 1990. That’s happening even as the cost of college spirals upward, putting it out of reach for many. This has fueled anxiety, bitterness and a sense of alienation among the millions who see themselves as shut out of an economy that does not value them.


Making college more affordable is important, but there are other keys to the doors of opportunity as well. With an executive order issued on Jan. 18, his first full day as governor, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania used one of them: He eliminated the requirement of a four-year college degree for the vast majority of jobs in the state government, a change similar to one that Maryland and Utah made last year. This demonstrates both good policy and good leadership, representing a concrete change in hiring philosophy that stops reducing people to a credential and conveys that everyone — college-educated or not — has experience and worth that employers should consider.


The decision was driven in part by the realities of a tight labor market. Unemployment in Pennsylvania is 3.9 percent — close to the national average of 3.5 percent — and lower than it was before the pandemic. Public and private employers have been struggling to find qualified applicants, prompting a re-evaluation of hiring criteria. As Mr. Shapiro’s order notes, “In the modern labor market, applicants gain knowledge, skills and abilities through a variety of means, including apprenticeships, on-the-job training and trade schools.”


The private sector has been moving gradually in this direction already. Major players to embrace skill-based hiring include General Motors, Bank of America, Google, Apple and Accenture. IBM is recognized as a particular leader; about half of its U.S. job openings no longer require a four-year degree.


The public sector should join this reset more aggressively. Getting more states on board could provide a valuable boost; state governments are among the largest employers in many states, so their hiring criteria play a special role in validating workers without college degrees. Last March, Larry Hogan of Maryland became the first governor to announce that his state was doing away with college degree requirements for many jobs. In December, his fellow Republican, Spencer Cox of Utah, followed suit. “Degrees have become a blanketed barrier to entry in too many jobs,” Mr. Cox said. “Instead of focusing on demonstrated competence, the focus too often has been on a piece of paper.”


Expanding the terms for who can get hired is a change that would reverberate far beyond individual jobs and job seekers. It would bring a greater degree of openness and fairness into the labor market.



Reading Questions:

1. What is the current situation of the earnings gap between those with a college education and those without one?

A. It has never been wider.

B. It has never been narrower.

C. It has remained unchanged.

D. It has been decreasing gradually.

2. What is the reason for Josh Shapiro’s executive order issued on Jan. 18?

A. To make college more affordable.

B. to eliminate the requirement of a four-year college degree for the vast majority of jobs in the state government.

C. To provide apprenticeships and on-the-job training for workers.

D. To boost the economy.

3. What is the potential impact of expanding the terms for who can get hired?

A. It would lead to more people getting jobs in the public sector.

B. It would make the labor market more open and fair.

C. It would decrease the unemployment rate.

D. It would require more people to get a four-year degree.









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