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Flowers in may bloom all over the country. May flowers bloom for all mothers in the world. The flowers in May are the most beautiful, the flowers in May are the most fragrant, and the family affection in May is the strongest. May flowers are a special gift to decorate mother\s day. "Mom, it\s mother\s day. I\ll buy you a bunch of carnations?" During the break, I gave my mother a short phone call. On the other end of the phone, my mother said, "I don\t want anything, as long as you live better. Work hard, love your job and work hard, attend every class well, and don\t harm people\s children. The best gift you give me is better than that bouquet of carnations."

Mother is always like that. She never asks for anything from us. In my mind, mother is more like a towering tree. No matter how big the storm is, I always stand there and never bow down. But we are sheltering from the wind and rain under the big tree of our mother. We rest and enjoy the cool by the big tree, and grow happily in the embrace of the big tree. No matter how old we are, as long as we have the love of our mother, we will always be the ignorant child in the eyes of our mother and the treasure in her hands.

Every time I come home and return to work, my mother always likes to use her electric car to drive me to the station and wait for the bus. My mother is old, and her legs and feet are not flexible. Besides, there are a lot of cars on the road, and there are a lot of traffic. I can\t rest assured that my mother is riding on the road. She always gently persuades her mother not to see me off. "Mom, there\s still time left. I\ll go to the station by myself. You don\t want to see me off." But the mother pretended not to hear, inserted the car key into the car hole, turned the handlebar, and drove to the gate. To tell you the truth, I like my mother to take me to the station, because she is so happy when I sit in her car. On the street of the village, she said to everyone, "my daughter has come home to see me again. I will take her to the station." My mother was very arrogant when she spoke. At that time, my mother was the happiest. Mother doesn\t want us to buy her any precious gifts. As long as she can see us, she feels very happy.

There are too many cars on the road. We must cross the sidewalk and drive normally according to the traffic rules. I jumped out of the car and helped my mother push the cart. She wouldn\t let me down. My mother looked back and said anxiously, "don\t come down. You think I\m old and useless? Your mother is not old." "Mom, you have an electronic eye. You can\t use an electric car to carry people." I said to her mischievously. I hurried down to help my mother push the cart, walked along the pedestrian sidewalk, and got on the main road. I walked on the inner side of the road, blocking my mother with my body. I was afraid that the coming car would touch my mother. My mother protected me with her body and her car and let me walk on the outer edge of the road. As she looked back at the approaching vehicles, she told me to pay attention to vehicle safety. She whispered to me, "you must pay attention to safety while walking.". This is the mother. She always protects her children and leaves danger to herself. What is greater than a mother\s love in the world?!



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