



 . 限时招募








1、每天50~300元 ,多劳多得


2、工作白领: 想想副业增加收入,想创业增加收入,实现财富上的小宽裕!
3、在校大学生:  勤工俭学,开拓视野,积累经验,提高未来职场竞争力。




But today, I found that I was actually a little bit cheated: first, he gave me the price is not high. Second, he often let me pick up the children after school, and then have dinner together, and then class. It was practically deserted overnight. It will take 4-5 hours from my departure to my return. I was thinking, I don't want to lose this job. At the same time, I took care of dinner, and his nanny did a great job. So I just kept going. Overall, I did what I had to do, they also harvest my heart. From the beginning of my junior year, my living expenses should be increased by 2000-3000 yuan. Also from the beginning of the third year, I can eat two dishes, dinner can also be normal to eat, fondue can also be AA with classmates, I eat and drink on and everyone has no essential difference, but I don't have any extra money to go to a restaurant. Because I need a computer, I need to buy clothes.

The clothes brought from home have indeed been worn for 2 years, and some of them are too old to wear. In the year of my junior year, I updated all the equipment one after another. I also participated in all the activities in my class, which can make up for the past regret. I also bought a suit and shoes for the interview and internship. At that time, a total of ruthless spent seems to be 800-1000, but also the pain for a long time. And I want to wear it to the senior prom. Yeah, how can I go to the freshman prom. Five and then back to the timeline of sophomore year, let's talk about the mood at that time. Each year to get the school's money, the heart of that excitement, I think only poor people know it, in need of help is far better than icing on the cake. At that time, the school had to submit a lot of materials to verify whether I was eligible for the grant. When the family there to do, but also encountered difficulties. At that time some places are not willing to give me a certificate, they want to have some amount of money can be returned to them, and then issued by them. But why would my scholarship call them? In this way, there is no way, I wrote a long text, plus the family's unemployment certificate, together to the Department of Zhang Teachers.



  1. 房山招聘兼职应用试玩体验员,200元/天,日结,招聘20人
  2. 招聘兼职,日结130元/天
  3. 招聘整理资料兼职,130元/天 , 日结
  4. 130元/天,管吃+管住,济南孙村春晖路附近保安需要10人 | 济南招聘|济南兼职|济南日结|招聘小天才
  5. 保时捷车展招聘男兼职150元/人
  6. 8/7最新深圳日结兼职全职招聘信息汇总
