



  The language used in English recruitment advertising is different from that of stories,prose, poems and so on. Simple grammatical structure, short sentences and richly suggestive and descriptive words are abundant. Many abbreviations and sentences with elliptical construction are used for the sake of space and economy. In English recruitment advertisements, each word is crucial. If one word is misunderstood, the sentence may not be comprehended correctly, you may lose the chance of an interview or employment. Therefore, it is necessary for the applicants to understand each word of the English recruitment advertisements.

  英语招聘广告中的语言与小说、散文、诗歌等的语言不同。常见的广告语言是简洁的句法结构、简 短的句式和富含暗示和描述性的词语。为节省空间和费用,多使用缩写词和省略句。在英语招聘广告 中,每一个词语都至关重要。如果误解一个单词,就可能扭曲整个广告的含义,也就有可能失去面试或 被聘用的`机会。所以,求职者有必要理解英文招聘广告中的每一个词。

  The online job-hunting is only a few years old just like an infant to find its way. In 1994 it barely existed. Now households owning computers are doubling year by year and people who are using Internet are tripling in terms of number. The online job search has exploded and become the most heavily used tool in finding jobs in the new century. The Internet can offer an astounding variety of job resources that enable job seekers to find current job vacancies where they live as well as thousands of miles from home.

  网上求职的兴起才刚刚几年,就像婴儿学步,1994年才出现。目前拥有计算机的家庭逐年成倍增 长,互联网用户更以3倍的速度增长。网上求职迅猛发展,已成为新世纪最常用的工具。互联网可以提 供惊人的工作选择范围,使求职者能找到近在咫尺或千里以外的工作。


  To be successful in a job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualide Some interviewing etiquette should be stressed:


  1. Politeness should be stressed.

  a. Be punctual.

  b. Be polite to the receptionist at the waiting room.

  c. Knock at the door before you enter the interviewing room.

  d. Walk to the desk and shake hands with the interviewer.



  (2 )在接待室对接待员要有礼




  2. Behavior must be decent.

  a. Where to sit during an interview? There should be space between the interviewer and the interviewee.

  b. How to sit? While sitting, be in a free posture.

  c. Your attitude should be natural, friendly, refined and active.

  d. Petty actions should be avoided. Don’t pick your ears, wipe your eyes, pick your teeth, blow your nose or sneezing.






  3. Talking ought to be in the track.

  a. Answer questions clearly, correctly and systematically.

  b. Remember three “P"s while introducing yourself: Positive, Personal, Pertinent.




  4. Leave need to be taken at the right time.

  There is time limit for a successful interview. It is not good to be too long or too short, usually about 30 to 45 minutes.




  1. 缺乏面试经验的求职面试小贴士
  2. 求职面试着装小贴士
  3. 求职陷阱小贴士及防骗技巧
  4. 心理小贴士治愈职场“咆哮综合症”
  5. 成功面试贴士 面试必成宝典
  6. 职场白领健康贴士