

Passage 5

17.【答案】C。解析:细节题。根据原文Sun exposure is a major factor for melanoma skin cancer, the fifth common cancer in the UK, with more than 14,000 people diagnosed each year.可知D选项中的only factor与原文的major factor矛盾,故不选;而同样根据本句中with more than 14,000 people diagnosed each year可知C选项正确;同时根据原文A recent research suggests sunscreen alone should not be relied on to prevent malignant melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer.可知A项的will not kill people不正确,以及B项中的adequate protection不正确。

18.【答案】A。解析:词义猜测题。根据原文A recent research suggests sunscreen alone should not be relied on to prevent malignant melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer.该句话中malignant melanoma后加了一个同位语,用来补充说明,由同位语中的deadly可知,该题应该选择A项fatal,意思为“致命的;重大的”。benign和蔼的,亲切的;wild野生的,荒凉的,野蛮的;harmful有害的。

19.【答案】C。解析:推断题。根据原文UV light targets the very genes protecting us from its own damaging effects, showing how dangerous this cancer-causing agent is.可知紫外线对人体皮肤的伤害作用是很强的,故A项不正确;根据原文This work highlights the importance of combining sunscreen with other strategies to protect our skin, including wearing hats and loose fitting clothing, and seeking shade when the sun is at its strongest.可知应结合不同的保护方法来防止自己的皮肤免受太阳紫外线的伤害。因此综合来看C项为正确答案。

Passage 6

20.【答案】A。解析:细节题。根据文章第二段的第一句话“In the world of travel product placement, few boons are better than having a movie shot on location.”我们可以知道,比起其他的福利,电影是最好的。所以正确答案为A。

21.【答案】D。解析:根据文章第三段第三句 “From January to September 2013, international visitor numbers were up nearly 10% ― with 8.3% of international visitorsoverall citing The Hobbit as their draw. 可知国际游客的增长率,以及影响国际游客增长的因素之一是电影的播放,此外第三段结尾部分提到另一个影响国际游客增长的因素——机票打折,所以A、B选项提到了。根据第三段第二句“ After the first film of The Hobbit trilogy was released in 2012, ...”我们可以知道《霍比特人》第一部播放的时间,所以C选项也提到了。而对于D选项,文章中只是讲了新西兰在电影播放后吸引了大量国际游客,使得新西兰成为全世界追捧的旅游地,但并没有介绍《指环王》中新西兰的美景。所以选择D项。



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