

1. They are hoping to ______ the Japanese market with their latest product.

A. transmit B. plunge C. penetrate D. filter

2. Both the labor and the management made a lot of ______ and at last they came to anagreement.

A. sessions B. recessions

C. concessions D. conferences

3. A healthy life is frequently thought to be ______ with the open countryside and homegrown food.

A. tied B. bound

C. involved D. associated

4. If this kind of fish becomes ______, future generations may never taste it at all.

A. minimum B. short C. seldom D. scarce

5. Despite its ______ location near the tax office, the copy shop didn’t show profits lastyear.

A. convenient B. conveniently

C. convenience D. conveniences

6. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up

wonderful _______ in the market.

A. batteries B. bargains C. baskets D. barrels

7. Year 12 student Kerrie, now just a semester away from graduation, praises the system that has allowed her to finish her schooling and also ______ a traineeship.

A. take on B. take away C. take in D. take up

8. Both television commercials and programs present a(an) ______ view of the material world, one which promotes a standard of living that most of us can probably not attain.

A. imprudent B. banal C. perplexing D. visionary

9. Maria ______ missed the first train so as to travel on the same one as John.

A. deliberately B. intensively

C. decisively D. objectively

10. His efforts to raise money for his program were ______ because, no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.

A. in place B. in sight C. in effect D. in vain


1.【答案】C。解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们希望用最新的产品打通日本市场。A. transmit 传输,传送;B. plunge 用力插入;C. penetrate 穿透;渗透;D. filter过滤。此处指用产品打入市场,故应使用 penetrate。

2.【答案】C。解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:工会和管理层都做了很大程度的让步,最终他们达成了一致。A. session 会议;B. recession 经济衰退;C. concession 让步,迁就,固定搭配 make a concession;D. conference 会议。此处根据空格后面的可知,应该是双方做出很多让步最终达成协议。故答案为 C。

3.【答案】D。解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:健康的生活经常被认为是与生活在乡村吃着自家种植的食物有关。A. tie(用线、绳)系,后接 to;B. bound 为 bind 的过去分词,bind 约束、装订,使结合;C. involve 包含,使参与;D. associate 联系,be associated with 与……有关。根据语境,答案选 D。

4.【答案】D。解析:考查近义词辨析。句意:如果这种鱼变得稀少,后代人可能就完全品尝不到了。A. minimum 最小量的;B. short 不足的;C. seldom 副词,不常,很少;D. scarce 稀少的。选项中的四个词似乎都有“小,少”的意思,但表示“稀少”只能选择 D。

5.【答案】A。解析:考查词性辨析。句意:尽管这个复印店地处税收办公室附近这么便利的位置,但是它去年依然没有盈利。location 名词,四个选项能修饰名词的只有形容词 convenient,表示“便利的位置”,故答案为 A。conveniently 副词,便利地;convenience 名词,便利,方便。

6.【答案】B。解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一些人喜欢周日去购物,因为他们希望在市场上能够找到物美价廉的商品。battery 电池;bargain 特价商品;basket 篮子;barrel 桶。故答案选 B。

7.【答案】D。解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:12 年级的学生 Kerrie,还有一个学期就毕业了,他对这个系统赞赏有加,因为这个系统使她顺利完成学业并且找到了一份实习工作。take on 承担,呈现;take away 带走;take in 吸收;take up 开始承担。故选 D。

8.【答案】D。解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不管是电视广告还是电视节目,展现的都是一种不现实的物质世界观,其宣扬的是一种我们大多数人无法企及的生活水准。imprudent“轻率的”;banal“平常的;乏味的”;perplexing“使人困惑的;令人费解的”;visionary“空想的;不切实际的”。根据语境,答案选 D。

9.【答案】A。解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:Maria 故意错过第一班火车就是为了和 John 乘坐同一班车。deliberately=on purpose, intentionally 故意地,存心地;intensively 强烈地,集中地;decisively 果断地;objectively 客观地。据以上分析可知答案选 A。

10.【答案】D。解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:他为自己的项目筹集资金所做出的努力都白费了,因为没有人打算出一分钱。根据 no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets 可知“为集资做出的努力都白费了”,故选择 in vain 白费地。in place“在适当的位置”,in sight“在视线内”,in effect“有效”。


  1. 银行考试题库:英语通用模拟题(五)及答案
  2. 银行考试题库:英语通用模拟题(三)答案
  3. 银行考试题库:英语通用模拟题(四)答案
  4. 银行考试题库:英语通用模拟题(二)答案
  5. 银行考试题库:英语通用模拟题(六)答案
  6. 银行考试题库:英语通用模拟题(四)