



  • 聘公司Ubisoft

  • 公司简介:自1997年以来,育碧(Ubisoft)蒙特利尔公司就一直是位于蒙特利尔动态Mile-End社区的杰出视频游戏开发商,我们提供业界独一无二的工作环境,使您能够构建和开发游戏,这些游戏是广受好评的国际AAA特许经营品牌的一部分声名狼藉。

  • 聘工作制作经理

  • 工作性质全职

  • 工作内容:

  • 根据制作团队的优先级、设计支柱和 PX 目标,从头开始构建并执行从概念阶段到实时游戏运营的玩家体验策略;
  • 直接管理并有效利用由人类行为、游戏分析和其他专业知识专家组成的完全嵌入式专家组;
  • 推动高影响力、多数据(游戏遥测、调查、观察、生物识别等)玩家体验洞察的阐述,并最大限度地利用和覆盖这些发现;
  • 成为生产核心团队成员和其他重要利益相关者在决策过程中值得信赖的盟友;
  • 与其他专业团队合作,如市场知识、社区发展和其他专业知识,以建立有影响力的高级见解;
  • 协作推动新团队成员的招聘和入职;
  • Build from the ground up and execute a player experience strategy from the conception phase in to live game operations, based on production team priorities, design pillars and PX objectives;
  • Directly manage, and make efficient use of a fully embedded expert group composed of experts in Human Behavior, Game Analytics and other specialized expertise; 
  • Drive the elaboration of high-impact, multi-data (game telemetry, survey, observation, biometric, etc.) player experience insights and maximize the use and reach of these findings; 
  • Become a trusted ally in decision-making processes with production core team members & other important stakeholders; 
  • Collaborate with other expertise teams such as Market Knowledge, Community Development and other expertise in building influential advanced insights; 
  • Collaboratively drive the recruitment and onboarding of new team members; 
  • 职位要求:
  • 对游戏充满热情,了解玩家的行为、愿望和需求。
  • 在进行混合方法研究和通过三角测量多个数据源产生见解方面拥有丰富的经验和相关成就。
  • 对游戏开发和游戏设计有扎实的了解。
  • 天生的智力同理心;能够成为玩家的拥护者,并与具有各种优先事项、看法和兴趣的多个不同的利益相关者打交道。
  • 专注于提供结果,产生可操作的发现,在工业方法方面达到并超越行业标准。
  • 团队合作精神;他们很容易理解与其他专家合作并发挥彼此优势以优化效率和质量的好处。
  • 高度组织,能够领导有关运营主题的多项研究和项目,同时在大型团队环境中保持战略目标。
  • 能够在复杂的生态系统中发展,适应现有的标准和流程,同时不断改进和创新它们。
  • 具备人员管理背景(作为唯一经理或“虚线”)。
  • 具有在游戏制作或产品团队中进行研究的经验,最好是在视频游戏行业。
  • 确保与您一起工作的人在实现雄心勃勃的目标的同时玩得开心。
  • Passionate about games and understanding players’ behaviours, wants and needs.
  • A solid experience and relevant achievements in conducting mixed method research studies and generating insights by triangulating multiple data sources.
  • Have a solid knowledge of game development & game design.
  • A natural at intellectual empathy; being able to be the player’s advocate as well as deal with multiple and diverse stakeholders with various priorities, perceptions and interests.
  • Focused on delivering results that yield actionable findings that meet and surpass industry standards in terms of industrial approach.
  • A collaborative team player; who easily understands the benefits of working with other experts and playing on each other’s strengths to optimize efficiency and quality.
  • Highly organized, capable of leading multiple studies and projects on operational subjects, while keeping the strategic objectives in sight in large team environments.
  • Able to evolve in a complex ecosystem, adapting to standards and processes in place while continuing to improve and innovate them.
  • Equipped with background in people management (as sole manager or ‘dotted line’).
  • Experience conducting research embedded on a game production or product team, ideally in the video game industry.
  • Making sure that the people you work with have fun while achieving highly ambitious goals.




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