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People say that falling in love with a city is because the people you love live in it. It is self-evident that love me and love Wu. There will be such a person in everyone\s life. Even if his face is covered with dust and his temples are like frost, he also wants to stay with him until the end of the year. I am convinced that this picture has been meticulously described by countless people, because it is the most beautiful love meeting that people yearn for in their hearts. This romantic "territory" is also a simple life portrayed by pure love wrapped with warmth and sincerity.

The most dreamy love in the world, of course, is two hearts in one heart, helping each other through life. Passing by, we can only say that we love each other deeply. Letting go may make people feel sad and beautiful. It sounds rather cold, but no one can deny that this is not because of love.

What is love? I can only say that it is a feeling of selflessness, a feeling of happy heart, which reflects the perfect purity of love. "When you meet a man with a white head, you choose a city to die". Everyone hopes to meet such a fate and wait for such warmth from now on. But life is not so smooth as you think. Love also has a hard fate to break

Although in the years of love, everyone wants to stay away from the bitter days, everyone wants to say goodbye to the painful breakup comprehension, and everyone likes to let the sunshine of love fill the heart.

But sometimes love is so incredible. When some people fall in love with each other, they swear vows of eternal love and sing harmoniously, but they can\t escape the details of life, leading to the exhaustion of love sources, so love ends unharmed. Even if some people are heartbroken in love, in the end, one person will turn left and one person will turn right. There are also some people who have been stumbling all the way, on and off, and have been tossed back and forth by the so-called love for several times. They have been running in for decades in the ups and downs, and have even sung all the songs of departure, but still do not change their original heart. Who can say that this kind of pain that can\t be stopped is not because of love?

No matter what kind of love you meet in this life, whether you love or are loved, it is God\s destiny to meet each other. To be attracted to a person, the first thing to see is the eye edge. Once love turns each other into a tear of careful wings, and care turns into a fuse of bondage and mutual injury, letting go may be the wisest choice. Love, never unworthy, some just suitable.

When you love someone, you should first make him or her happy. For a love, it is most important to warm each other\s hearts and make each other remember the past perfection. It has long been said that love is not taking, not possessing. Love is giving, dedication and fulfillment.

I have always liked the old song "there is a kind of love called letting go". Amu sang in his hoarse voice: there is a kind of love called letting go. It will last forever for love. If you have everything with me when I leave, let true love take me away and say goodbye

This is a heartrending refrain. When you aftertaste it, you will always feel the trembling and moving that you can\t help yourself

Everything in the world can generally be explained clearly. Love alone cannot be explained. Some love is just self - understanding. Some behaviors can only be understood by oneself. Maybe some people\s love is deep love after shallow joy. This feeling is probably experienced by many people.

Maybe he (she) never tells you how it feels to fall in love with you. I don\t want to tell you that your appearance has eliminated all his or her previous confusion about love. Not to mention that you were the only light like existence in the abyss of life. In particular, I don\t want you to understand that at a certain time, you are in the city, and he (she) is outside the city, just passing by with blessings.

A famous person said that he did not understand life without disappointment. Without brokenhearted, you don\t know love.

Love is like a performance without actors, no lines, no rehearsals. People in love are the protagonists. We know that falling in love is one\s business. Love is a matter of two people. Love or not, deep love or shallow love, is a matter of self. Jane does not cherish, let go, depends on the degree of love to each other.

Sometimes letting go doesn\t mean that you don\t love, but it is a manifestation of deep love. As the song says:

If you yearn for the sky, yearn for a pair of wings and let you fly, your wings should not be accompanied by roses and listen to the withering time. If romance becomes a tie, I would like to choose to return to loneliness for you. If lingering becomes a chain, let go of promisesessing.



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