



























1、快速掌握公司的组织结构,了解有哪些合作部门和联系人。例如,我了解到糖尿病与心血管事业部下设有药物开发、药物安全、药物注册、药物生产、生物统计等部门,找到他们的邮箱和电话,并主动和他们建立联系。仔细阅读工作相关的项目文档、标准、工作流程、培训资料,遇到不懂的地方先到网上搜索答案然后请教导师和同事。例如,我通过PubMed,SinoMed,Embase,Semantic Scholar等医学文献平台以及医学专业论坛丁香园寻找答案,并及时和导师探讨。

2、上司和导师交待的每一项任务做好记录和追踪,做到有始有终,每天主动汇报进度,遇到困难及时沟通。例如,我会用Execl用制作一张任务清单,记录所有的待办事项的完成情况和截止日期 ,每天向上司和导师汇报,并根据他们的反馈及时调整,遇到问题时候我会及时和他们沟通寻求他们的意见,避免影响任务进度。



Internship work methods and approaches:

Adapted quickly to the company’s organizational structure and identified the relevant departments and contacts for collaboration. For instance, I familiarized myself with the functions and roles of the drug development, drug safety, drug registration, drug production and biostatistics departments under the Diabetes and Cardiovascular Business Unit, and reached out to them via email and phone. Reviewed the project documents, standards, workflows and training materials related to the work diligently, researched online for answers when faced with unfamiliar issues and sought guidance from my mentor and colleagues. For example, I used medical bibliographic database such as PubMed, SinoMed, Embase, Semantic Scholar and professional medical forums such as Ding Xiang Yuan to find solutions and discussed them with my mentor promptly.

Documented and monitored every task assigned by my supervisor and mentor, completed them with diligence, reported progress proactively on a daily basis and communicated effectively when encountering challenges. For example, I used Excel to create a task list, tracking the completion status and deadline of all the to-do items, updated my supervisor and mentor regularly, adjusted accordingly based on their feedback and resolved problems in a timely manner to avoid affecting the task progress.

Reflected on each task after completion, understood the rationale and purpose behind it, gained experience for similar work and avoided pitfalls. For example, I conducted a toxicity evaluation experiment for a new drug. I analyzed the principle and objective of the experimental design as well as the significance and value of the experimental results for drug development. I also summarized the difficulties encountered in the experiment and the improvement methods to provide reference for similar experiments in the future.





1、快速了解公司的组织架构,了解有哪些合作部门和联系人。例如,我了解到底盘事业部下设有研发部、生产部、质量部、物流部等部门,找到他们的邮箱和电话,并主动和他们建立联系。仔细阅读工作相关的项目文档、标准、工作流程、培训资料,遇到不懂的地方先到网上搜索答案然后请教导师和同事。例如,我阅读了《底盘制造工艺规范》《底盘质量管理体系》《底盘生产控制计划》《IATF 16949》等文档,对于其中涉及的汽车零部件的设计、制造、检测等专业知识,我通过查阅《汽车零部件设计与制造》《汽车零部件检测技术》等书籍来加深理解,并及时和导师探讨。




Work methods and approaches:

Adapted quickly to the company’s organizational structure and identified the relevant departments and contacts for collaboration. For instance, I familiarized myself with the functions and roles of the R&D, production, quality, logistics and other departments under the Chassis Business Unit, and reached out to them via email and phone. Reviewed the project documents, standards, workflows and training materials related to the work diligently, researched online for answers when faced with unfamiliar issues and sought guidance from my mentor and colleagues. For example, I read documents such as “Chassis Manufacturing Process Specification”, “Chassis Quality Management System”, “Chassis Production Control Plan”, “IATF 16949”, etc., and for the professional knowledge related to the design, manufacturing and testing of automotive parts involved in them, I consulted books such as “Automotive Parts Design and Manufacturing” and “Automotive Parts Testing Technology” to deepen my understanding and discussed them with my mentor promptly.

Documented and monitored every task assigned by my supervisor and mentor, completed them with diligence, reported progress proactively on a daily basis and communicated effectively when encountering challenges. For example, I participated in a process improvement project for a new brake disc. I recorded various data and results during the project process according to the project plan and used Project software to create a Gantt chart and milestone report. I updated my mentor regularly on the project progress and coordinated with relevant departments to solve problems such as equipment failure or material shortage in a timely manner.

Reflected on each task after completion, understood the rationale and purpose behind it, gained experience for similar work and avoided pitfalls. For example, I completed a process improvement project for a new brake disc. I analyzed the objective and method of the process improvement as well as the impact of the process improvement on product quality, production efficiency and cost saving. I made a project summary report and prepared corresponding process documents and operation instructions to provide reference for similar process improvement projects in the future.









Work methods and approaches:

Adapted quickly to the company’s organizational structure and identified the relevant departments and contacts for collaboration. For instance, I familiarized myself with the functions and roles of the finance department and its partners in the marketing, sales, human resources and other departments. I reached out to them via email and phone and established effective communication and coordination. Reviewed the project documents, standards, workflows and training materials related to the work diligently, researched online for answers when faced with unfamiliar issues and sought guidance from my mentor and colleagues. For example, I read documents such as “Financial Statement Preparation Guide”, “Financial Management System”, “Financial Analysis Methods”, “International Financial Reporting Standards”, etc., and for the professional knowledge related to accounting principles, financial indicators, analysis skills, etc., I consulted books such as “Principles of Accounting”, “Financial Management”, “Financial Analysis Practice”, etc. to deepen my understanding and discussed them with my mentor promptly.

Documented and monitored every task assigned by my supervisor and mentor, completed them with diligence, reported progress proactively on a daily basis and communicated effectively when encountering challenges. For example, I participated in a project on the company’s revenue growth analysis in the Chinese market. I collected and organized the company’s financial data for the past five years according to the project plan and used Excel software to create data tables and charts. I updated my mentor regularly on the project progress and verified and solved problems such as data missing or inconsistency with relevant departments in a timely manner.

Reflected on each task after completion, understood the rationale and purpose behind it, gained experience for similar work and avoided pitfalls. For example, I participated in a cost control project. I thought about the objective and method of the project as well as the impact of the project results on the company’s profit and competitiveness. I made a project summary report and improved the format and content of the report based on my mentor’s feedback, to provide reference for similar financial projects in the future. I also learned about the financial characteristics of the fast-moving consumer goods industry, such as high turnover rate, low gross margin, large-scale promotional activities, diversified product lines, etc., and learned how to make reasonable cost analysis and control based on these characteristics.







  1. 金三银四招聘季:今年简历上的技能证书这一part能写啥?
  2. 毕业招聘季,什么样的外贸简历能够脱颖而出?
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