

  1.Don't bring up yourco-worker's salary.


  First of all, you may not have all yourfacts right, and bringing up your colleague's salary will put your manager intoan uncomfortable position.


  What you should do is compare whatyou're making to the industry average. Using the industry average will reflectwell on you and will show your boss that you've been doing your research.


  2.Don't make it personal.


  The reason for your raise will beprofessional, so keep that in mind when you're asking for more. What you needto do is write a list of your wins at work, which will show your boss that youdo deserve that increase in salary.


  3.Don't get emotional.


  If things are not going your way or ifyou feel that your employer is wronging you, don't get emotional. Collectyourself and don't let your boss see that you're upset. Instead, take some timeto think it over after your meeting to carefully craft your next move.


  4.Don't respondimmediately if you're unsure.


  If your boss offers you an alternativeand not the raise you're asking for, and if you have some doubt about it, don'timmediately agree to it. Instead, ask her if you can take some time to thinkabout it and let her know that you'll get back to her about her offer soon.


  5.Don't be inflexible.


  If your company doesn't have theresources or the budget to give you the raise you want right now, there can beother arrangements you can make with your boss in the meantime. Perhaps morepaid time off days or the opportunity to work from home — find out what yourmanager is willing to give you in lieu of a raise.


  6.Don't give ultimatums.


  People don't respond to threats verywell and your manager will not be very happy if you give her an ultimatum. Ifyou have other job opportunities, don't wave them in her face — just gracefullymove on if you have better chance of advancing elsewhere.



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