


A general partner at Mountain View-based GV(formerly Google Ventures), Faris makes a point of creating ample time toexplore other entrepreneurial hotbeds.

"I//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m a fan of emerging ecosystems thatare not in the Valley — other areas where the talent pools areunbelievable," he tells Business Insider. "Where it just feels likeyou can be a lot more thoughtful recruiting, where there//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s no frenzy. I likegoing and looking forentrepreneurs in those pockets."

"It//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s a breath of fresh air to be ableto poke your head in and see what kind of innovation these areas have," hesays. "Each ecosystem thinks in different ways. They have expertise incertain domains that others aren//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t as strong in. It//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s so fascinating to learnfrom."

This principle means he//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s racked up hisfrequent flyer miles. "The best way to find these companies is actually togo there. It takes work and the willingness to fly over on a regular basis todiscover, learn the ecosystem, and make the connections. Some startups do cometo Boston orSilicon Valley to look forinvestors, but I think the right way todo it is just to build connections by going there personally."

Google cofounder Sergey Brin actually made asimilar statement recently, advising wannabe entrepreneurs to start theircompanies outside of Silicon Valley rather than in it. "During the boomcycles, the expectations around the costs — real estate, salaries — theexpectations people and employees have ... it can be hard to make a scrappyinitial business that//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s self-sustaining," he said. "Whereas in otherparts of the world you might have an easier time forthat."

Although Brin did say that Silicon Valley isbetter forraising more capital, Faris proves that it doesn//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t have to be anecessity.

1. What//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s the article mainly about?

A. Methods to raise more capital not inSilicon Valley.

B. People//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s willingness to fund startupsoutside Silicon Valley.

C. Fans of emerging ecosystems.

D. The best way forinvestors to findpromising companies.

2. The word "ample" in ParagraphOne is closest in meaning to?

A. more B. inadequate C. enough D. much

3. According to Paragraph Two, why did Farislook forentrepreneurs outside Silicon Valley?

A. Because life in Silicon Valley was toohard to breathe fresh air.

B. Because so many investors paid attentionto the same area.

C. Because Silicon Valley no longer befascinating and innovative.

D. Because he found it interesting to get toknow different ecosystem.

4. How to build connections with companiesoutside Silicon Valley efficiently?

A. Move to Boston orSilicon Valley.

B. Discover and learn the knowledge ofecosystems aboard.

C. Go to visit these newly-started companiespersonally.

D. Do nothing until these start-ups come tolook forinvestors.

5. Which may NOT be the reason forfundingoutside Silicon Valley according to Faris?

A. More chances to raise capital

B. Easier to make an initial business that//////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'sself-sustaining

C. Less expectations around costs

D. More amazing business areas


1.【答案】D。解析:主旨题。本文在开头就说了Faris想花足够的时间在其他创业聚集区,并在后面指出硅谷之外的创业聚集区的种种优点,强调投资者不要等着创业公司来硅谷找他们,而是投资者自己去硅谷以外的地方看看。并称到硅谷以外的地方考查可以呼吸道新鲜的空气,有很多值得学习的地方,Sergey Brin,谷歌的联合创始人,建议创业者到硅谷以外的地方创业,故本文大意主要讲了投资者寻找有前途的创业公司的最好方式。


3.【答案】D。解析:细节题。根据题干定位到第二段,第二段意思为:Faris对Business Insider的记者说:我十分有兴趣在硅谷之外寻找新兴生态系统,因为这些地方拥有令人不可思议的人才,这些地方令你觉得深思熟虑后可以进行招募工作,这里不会让你暴躁,我喜欢在这些有潜力的地方寻找企业家。故选D。

4.【答案】C。解析:细节题。根据文中第四段中... but I think the rightway to do it is just to build connections by going there personally可以得知最有效同企业建立联系的方式是亲自去拜访,与选项C描述一致,故选C。



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