


Two years ago, there were 20,000 Airbnblistings in Paris. A year later the number had climbed to 40,000 and a housinginspectortold The Wall Street Journal, "The center of our city isbecoming deserted. More and more, it///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s just tourists." Since then, yetanother 20,000 listings have appeared, so it///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s no surprise that the companywith the tagline "Belong Anywhere" has experienced a frosty welcomefrom city governments around the world struggling to deal with this explosionof tourist accommodations.

Airbnb continues to present its business aslow-impact, made up of everyday hosts occasionally renting out their own home.A recent Airbnb report on its business in Lisbon shows that "many listingson Airbnb in Lisbon are local residents///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' homes," reassuring readers that "72percent of hosts in Airbnb in Lisbon have only one listing." But this isbeing economical with the truth: My independently collected data setshows thatthe 28% of hosts with more than one listing (who can be considered"commercial" hosts) account fortwo-thirds of the company///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s businessin Lisbon. and while Airbnb claims that "70 percent of Airbnb guests inLisbon stay outside the typical tourist hotspots," my data shows that themajority of visits take place inside the two central districts of Misericórdiaand Santa Maria Maior, an area of only about six square kilometers. With thenumber of listings in this small city of half a million people growing from5,500 in May 2015 to over 10,000 today, a significant impact is inevitable.João Seixas, a geography professorat the New University of Lisbon, and hiscolleagues are "very much concerned with what is rapidly happening to thehistorical center of our beautiful city. Our estimate is that in the last threeyears, around one-quarter oreven one-third of the housing stock has changedfunction, mainly toward financial investments and short rentals."

1.Which of the following is a possiblesituation tourists may encounter in Paris?

A. Airbnb///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s housing inspectoris checking thelistings.

B. Their neighbors are tourists from othercountries.

C. The government gives them a frostywelcome.

D. They don///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t have many choices ofaccommodation if they are visiting the center of Paris.

2. All of the following are true EXCEPT______.

A. Local residents leave the city centrebecause of Airbnb.

B. Tourists think Airbnb is taking advantageof them.

C. City governments are not eager to supportAirbnb.

D. In two years, Airbnb listings havetripled.

3. According to the author, Airbnb///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s reportis _______.

A. deceitful

B. made up

C. true

D. false

4. According to the second paragraph, whichof the following statement is not mentioned?

A. At least one-quarter of the housing stockhas become financial investments and short rentals.

B. 72% of hosts with one listing account forone third of the company///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s business in Lisbon.

C. Airbnb has a huge impact on the historicalcenter of Lisboa.

D. 28% of all listings is in Misericordia andSanta Maria Maior.

5. The primary purpose of the passage is to________.

A. Airbnb is facing an existential expansionproblem

B. accuse Airbnb of lying about the its truecause

C. warn governments of France and Portugal

D. introduce Airbnb///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s popularity in Paris andLisboa





4.【答案】D。解析:细节题。题干:根据第二段,下列哪项没有提到?A项,B项和C项在第二段中都提到了。第二段只提到了the majority of visits take place inside the two central districtsof Misericórdia and Santa Maria Maior但是28% of alllistings is in Misericordia and Santa Maria Maior并没有提到,故选D。



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