


When Tina Nicolai began working as arecruiter forWalt Disney World in the late 1990s, she noticed that many jobseekers were submitting flawed résumés. "I realized people simply did notknow how to market themselves ortheir achievements," Nicolai tells BusinessInsider. "and that///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s how I knew there was a market to educate jobcandidates at all levels and in all industries."

In 2010 she founded Résumé Writer///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'sInk."Since launching my company, I///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve read over 40,000 résumés," shesays. "and this is the what most people get wrong. They think a"buffet résumé" is the best way to go. Nicolai says a buffet résuméis one that have too much going on...one that make too much information.

"My clients often think a résumé that isa smorgasbord is best because it demonstrates the bandwidth of skills,experiences, and achievements that they have in their repertoire of success.///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'she says. "But this is a recipe forgetting overlooked."

Nicolai says hiring managers do not have timeto sift through you résumé, picking out what is directly related to the jobopening. "A résumé is like a wardrobe. Just because a person haseverything from casual to formal doesn///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t mean they wear all of those piecestogether," she explains. "We dress according to where we///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re going,the activity we///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re doing, and the climate ― but we don///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t wear it all atonce."

Only include information that///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s relevant tothe job you///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re applying for. and yes, this means you need to tailoryour résuméforeach job application. Don///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t be lazy!

1.The word "repertoire" inparagraph 3, is closetin meaning to ______.

A. collection B. selection C. repetition D.variety

2. According to the passage, what is asmorgasbord résumé?

A. A résumé that contains everything.

B. A résumé that has a special focus.

C. A résumé that is fancy-looking.

D. A résumé that impresses all.

3. What does Tina Nicolai mean when she said"This is a recipe forgetting overlooked" in paragraph 3?

A. One needs to add more information to therésumé.

B. Putting too much information in the résumédistracts the reader///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s attention.

C. The résumé needs to be more eye-catching.

D. The details in the résumé could be easilyoverlooked because of the arrangement.

4. Which of the following is recommendedaccording to the passage?

A. Offering as much information in the résuméas possible.

B. Making the résumé like a wardrobe.

C. Putting all of one///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s achievements in therésumé.

D. Tailoring the résumé foreach application.

5. If you are applying fora sales manager,which of the following should NOT be included in your résumé according to thepassage?

A. Experience as agroupleader.

B. Award of the best debater

C. Demonstrated sales results

D. Intern as a sales assistant



2.【答案】A。解析:细节题。根据smorgasbord定位到第三段,可知,smorgasbord resume包含了所有的技能、经验以及求职者的所有成就,故这种简历包含了一切,故A为本题答案。



5.【答案】B。解析:推断题。申请的职位是销售经理,故A. 有领导经验,可以加入;C. 展示销售业绩,可以加入;D. 销售助理的实习经历,可以加入。只有B. 取得最佳辩手奖,与销售经理无关,故答案为B。


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