


People today can move markets and build ordestroy reputation.With the ubiquity of the Internet and round-the-clock newsand information, consumers can easily praise orpunish brands and the companiesbehind them. Armed with an overabundance of data, purchasers have tremendous influenceover what their friends orfamilies buy and even what strangers buy.

What sources move consumers? Notsurprisingly, word of mouth is the leading influence (88%) when it comes toimpacting consumers///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' opinion of a company, whether its genesis is online oroffline. Conversations where company likes and dislikes are discussed are nolonger out of the ordinary forthe general public. What is noteworthy is thepower of online reviews (83%) and online search results (81%) in determiningwhat people say about companies and the brands they make. Online reviews arenearly as important as word of mouth in determining perceptions and impactingpublic opinion. There is no doubt that user-generated online reviews such asthose found on recommendation sites (such as amazon.com, TripAdvisororYelp inthe U.S. and U.K., TaoBao, Ctrip and Dianping in China, and Buscape andReclameAQUI in Brazil) have fast-become omnipotent arbiters of brand trust andcompany assurance.

News sources and company websites are alsohighly influential forlearning about companies (79% and 74%, respectively).Forthose who doubt the influence of company websites in favorof otherchannels, this study reinforces their value as a gateway to company reputation.

Other notable sources of influence on companyperceptions include awards and rankings (63%), leadership communications (59%)and advertising (56%) --all cited by over one half of consumers surveyed. Asit has been said before, consumers are searching forconfirmation that thecompany behind the brand is endorsed by others, reinforced from top to bottomand vocal.

Social networks, on the other hand, wererated as having the least influence (49%) on company opinion by consumers. Thereason forthis is probably due to the fact that most companies have yet tofully embrace social media in a way that resonates and truly engages theincreasingly cynical public. However, we all know that the influence of socialnetworks is growing fast. Once companies figure out how to best use socialmedia to demonstrate their receptivity and customer focus, social media will bethe consumer///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s best friend.

1. The passage is mostly taken from ______.

A. Radical changes of consumers///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' shoppinghabits caused by the Internet

B. Consumers///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' company perception ininformation era

C. Consumers shape reputation instantly

D. How to move consumers

2. It is can be inferred that ______.

A. The importance of advertisement hasdeclined.

B. Consumers are not interested in companies///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'background.

C. Social media///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s influence on companyopinion is limited and can be ignored.

D. Company should not overlook any opportunityto socialize reputation.

3.What does the last paragraph imply?

A. Social network plays an important role indaily life.

B. People have displayed positive attitudetowards social media.

C. Companies will put great effort to figureout the best way to promote products in social media.

D. Social media///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s influence on companyopinion is greater than word of mouth.

4. What can we learn from this passage?

A. Awards and rankings play important rolesin company perceptions.

B. Social media has enormous potential informing people///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s opinions of a company.

C. Public praise is of great importance tocompany reputation.

D. All above

5. Which of the following statement is nottrue?

A. Word of mouth has taken a dominantposition in impacting consumers///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' idea of a company.

B. News sources and company websites canprovide consumers with information about companies.

C. Online reviews have greatly contributed tobrand trust and company assurance.

D. Leadership communications is lessinfluential than advertising forlearning about companies


1.【答案】B。解析:主旨题。题干:这篇文章最可能来自哪儿?A项Radical changes of consumers///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' shopping habits caused by the Internet,由于网络发展,消费者购物习惯发生了彻底地改变,B项Consumers///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' company perception ininformation era信息时代下消费者的公司认知,C项Consumersshape reputation instantly消费者立即形成声誉,D项How to move consumers怎样打动消费者。文章第一段讲信息时代人们可以很容易地表扬或批评一个品牌或者公司,消费者买什么会受到身边人的影响。后面四段都在具体讲影响消费者对公司认知的几个因素。故选B。

2.【答案】D。解析:推断题。题干:从文章中可以推断出什么?A项The importance of advertisement has declined广告的重要性已经下降了,第四段Other notable sources of influence on company perceptions includeawards and rankings (63%), leadership communications (59%) and advertising(56%) --all cited by over one half of consumers surveyed提到广告也是影响消费者对于公司认知的因素之一,并没有说到其影响下降。 B项Consumers are not interested incompanies///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' background消费者对公司背景不感兴趣,同样是这句中Other notablesources of influence on company perceptions include awards and rankings (63%),leadership communications (59%) and advertising (56%),提到了公司的获奖情况和排名,由此可见消费者是关注公司背景的。C项Social media///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s influence on companyopinion is limited and can be ignored社交媒体对公司的影响很小可以忽略,文章最后一段都在强调social media的重要性,故排除。D项Company should not overlook any opportunity to socialize reputation公司不应该忽视任何机会扩大自己的名声。文章通篇都在讲影响消费者对公司认知的各种因素,这些因素都会打动消费者,所以可以推断出这一点。故选D。

3.【答案】C。解析:推断题。题干:最后一段暗示了什么?A项Social network plays an important role in daily life社交网络在日常生活中起着很重要的作用,文章是说社交网络在消费者对于公司认知的影响,不是日常生活,故排除。B项People have displayed positive attitudetowards social media人们已经显示出了对于社交网络的积极态度,从The reason forthis is probably due to the fact that most companies have yet to fully embracesocial media in a way that resonates and truly engages the increasingly cynicalpublic这一句中可以看出,人们的态度有些愤世嫉俗,所以不能说是积极的态度,故排除。D项Social media///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s influence on company opinion is greater than word ofmouth社交网络的影响比口头宣传影响更大,文章没有这样的表达,故排除。C项Companies will put great effort to figure out the best way topromote products in social media公司将努力找出最好的办法在社交网络推销产品。文章最后一段说目前社交网络的影响还比较小,接着however一个转折,说到社交网络的影响在逐渐扩大,公司一旦找到在社交网络推销产品的方法,社交网络将会是消费者最好的朋友。故选C。

4.【答案】D。解析:细节题。题干:我们能从文章中得出什么?A项Awards and rankings play important roles in company perceptions奖项和排名在公司认知中起着重要的作用,文章第四段第一句中提到了。B项Social media has enormous potential informing people///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s opinions of a company社交网络在人们对公司的认知中有着很大的潜在作用,文章最后一段就是在说这个内容,目前社交网络的影响还比较小,接着however一个转折,说到社交网络的影响在逐渐扩大,公司将会在社交网络找到最好的推销产品的方法,社交网络将会是消费者最好的朋友,言外之意社交网络的影响将越来越大。C项Public praise is of great importance tocompany reputation公众的称赞对于公司声誉有着重要意义,文章第一段可以找到答案。ABC三项都有涉及,故选D。

5.【答案】D。解析:是非细节题。题干:下面哪个说法是不正确的?A项Word of mouth has taken a dominant position in impacting consumers///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' ideaof a company在消费者对公司认知方面,口头宣传起着决定性的影响。文章第二段中Notsurprisingly, word of mouth is the leading influence (88%) when it comes toimpacting consumers///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' opinion of a company, whether its genesis is online oroffline表达了这一观点。B项News sourcesand company websites can provide consumers with information about companies,是第四段所表达的意思。C项Online reviews have greatly contributed tobrand trust and company assurance,第二段中Online reviewsare nearly as important as word of mouth in determining perceptions andimpacting public opinion表达了这一观点。D项Leadership communications is less influential than advertising forlearning about companies,根据文章第四段Other notable sourcesof influence on company perceptions include awards and rankings (63%),leadership communications (59%) and advertising (56%)可知,leadership communications的影响要比advertising的影响大,D项说法错误。故选D。


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