





About the position

We have an open fixed-term position for a lecturer (3 years""akademischer Rat a.Z."") in Numerical Analysis at the University of Jena (Germany) starting from 1st October 2023. We support the development of an independent research line and will equip the position with a budget for travel and guests. Teaching in German will be expected.

Application date

15. July 2023

How to apply 






New full time postdoctoral positions are available in the Modern Pattern Matching (MPM) Algorithms Group at the Department of Computer Science of Bar-Ilan university, Israel. 

The main fields of the group research are algorithms analysis, data

structures, distributed computation algorithms, graph algorithms, big data algorithms and computer science theory.

The group is led by Professor Ely Porat, includes several postdoctoral

researchers and PhD students,and has very close work relations with other faculty members in the field (among them Prof. Amihood Amir, Prof. Moshe Lewenstein, Prof. Liam Roditty, Dr. Tzvi Kopelowitz and Dr. Arnold Filtser).

The group also includes some guest professors; For example, during the passing year, professor Seth Pettie from the University of Michigan spent half a year as a full time researcher in the group and professor Arseny Shur from the Ural Federal University has joined the group as a guest researcher for the coming years.

The group has very good international partnerships and many good

cooperations with researchers around the world. It is worth noticing the significant common work with professor Cliff Stein from Columbia University, which has done a lot of common work and mutual visits and meetings with members of the group.

We are looking for researchers in a mature stage of their academic

capabilities, with a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or Mathematics

and with strong publication record in Theoretical Computer Science. Our threshold for applicants is at least three papers accepted to top tier conferences (e.g. STOC, FOCS or SODA).

The positions will be for an initial year with the possibility of extension. The postdoc may pursue his/her own line of research but a focus related to the existing research areas of the group is very welcome.

How to apply 

Please send your application (including a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and the names and contact information of at least two references) to recruit.postdoc@datalab.cs.biu.ac.il.

Please attach relevant documents as pdf files.




About the position

Climate change has many consequences for natural gravity hazards in mountain environments, particularly by increasing their intensity and frequency.

The aim of this exploratory project is to apply digital sciences to the prediction and mitigation of these risks.

Numerical simulation of gravity flows (falling boulders, rock flows, debris flows, ice, etc.) has certainly reached a certain level of maturity, but its use in prediction and prevention is still in its infancy.

As part of a GRANIER exploratory project, so-called \data-driven modelling\ methods will be explored for gravity flows and protective structures. The aim will be to make the most of laboratory and observatory data in order to build and calibrate models, assess their sensitivity, improve their predictive nature, i.e. control and take account of uncertainties, using variational, statistical and AI methods. In turn, it is hoped that this will improve data generation and sustainability. These methods, which have already been tried and tested in the context of climate modelling, have hardly been used for gravity flows and complex rheologies of the frictional cohesive type, which are intrinsically non-smooth. This is the highly exploratory nature of this research.

The TRIPOP team is a joint research team of Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes and the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (LJK), following on from the BIPOP team (2003-2017).

The team is mainly interested in the modelling, mathematical analysis, simulation and control of non-smooth dynamic systems. Non-smooth dynamics concerns the study of the temporal evolution of systems that are not smooth in the mathematical sense of the term, i.e. systems that are characterised by a lack of differentiability, either of the mappings in their formulations, or of their solutions with respect to time.The team is one of the few in the world to have brought together researchers in applied mathematics, control theory, computational mechanics and scientific computing in the field of non-smooth dynamics. In mechanics, the main examples of non-smooth dynamic systems are multi-body systems with one-sided Signorini contact, fixed-value friction (of the Coulomb type) and impacts, or plasticity.

The aim of this post-doc is to work on the joint use of data from different sources to evaluate and improve the predictive capacity of gravity hazard models.

Key words: Data-driven modelling, uncertainties, calibration, data assimilation, reduced-order models, substitution models.

The post-doc will develop the following points:

1) Statistical models integrating data of various kinds and the hazard models developed. The identification of hazard model parameters, in particular using Bayesian approaches, will make it possible to calibrate and quantify the uncertainties associated with the models.

2) Model reduction approaches (POD, PGD, etc.) or construction of substitution models (Sparse Polynomial Chaos, Gaussian Processes, etc.) to build simplified models that can be used in this context.

3) Application of various data assimilation techniques (particle or variational filters) to the models described in the first section and to reduced-order models.

The calibrated models will be integrated into an overall approach aimed at developing quantitative risk analysis methods.

Targeted applications: All the gravity hazards mentioned above, starting with the simplest and those for which data is available, such as block falls.


The candidate must hold a PhD in Mathematics applied to Mechanics.

Skills in uncertainty quantification, data assimilation and model reduction are essential, as is a taste for scientific computing (implementation and use of calculation codes). Knowledge of mechanical systems or geophysical flows would be an additional advantage.

How to apply 





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  3. 运筹offer:一周学界招聘总结(2023.6.26-2023.6.30)
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