招聘(应届生可投)|摩根大通 客户经理|香港
摩根大通 - APAC Payment Innovation Product Manager - Payments - Analyst
1. Product delivery owner: manage and own product delivery working across and be central point of contact for wider team across Product, Operation, Technology and other internal partner.2. Product commercialization owner: manage and own product marketing and commercialization covering industry knowledge, market/regulation knowledge and ability to engage internal and external stakeholder/client.3. Business and market requirement owner: manage and own business initiatives at regional and global level from end to end product perspective.Required qualification, capabilities and skills
1. Minimum 1 years of experience on Payments/ Transaction Banking Space.2. Ability to manage internal and external client engagement.3. Experience in collaborating with sales, technology, operation, service, risk, compliance and legal teams and command strong influencing skills.4. Strategic thinker with the ability to motivate and deliver tactical execution. Creative problem solver, capable of developing innovative and differentiated solutions. Strong presentation and communication skills with attention to detail.5. Bachelor’s degree on Business or Science6. Inclusive and collaborative attitude that are able to navigate stakeholderPreferred qualification, capabilities and skills.1. Experience on Agile product development2. Ability to navigate global stakeholder and may require to travel为了能够更好地帮助各位想要留港就业的同学做好求职准备,灯塔正式推出了高度定制化和系统化的求职赋能辅导服务——追光计划
极具针对性、极高实用性地帮助各位同学突破求职中各个重点环节,多方辅导来提升学员的求职竞争力。站在优秀前辈的肩膀上,提升装备与认知,斩获更多的dream offers!内推实习(可远程、可留用)|奇绩创坛 创业者关系|北京、远程
内推|招联 广告投放策略专家(数据分析与挖掘方向)|深圳
内推|招联 广告投放策略专家(数据分析与挖掘方向)|深圳
干货 | 金融行业这么卷,你害怕找实习吗?
干货 | 运营拥有这些能力,玩转手中的产品!
干货 | 职场上的一份坚守,决定你是青铜还是王者
活动回顾 | 面向未来互联网行业 项目管理发展与变革
活动回顾 | PM软技能及职业规划
活动回顾 | 面试神器之素材库技能分享
- 招聘(应届生可投)|中国电信 用户体验管理|香港
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- 香港全职 - 顶级投行,摩根大通招Equities&Fixed Income, Associate!
- 香港全职 - 摩根大通招Analyst,金融/工商管理/经济学/会计/法律或相关学科!